Frank Peretti's "MONSTER"

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Frank Peretti's "MONSTER"

Postby Archan » Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:18 pm

Has anyone hear read the latest novel from Frank Peretti? He's the guy who wrote This Present Darkness, The Oath, Prophet, a big big name in Chrsitian Fiction, and questionably a pioneer in Christian Horror (The Oath).

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has read MONSTER? It's the newest book of his to come out, and was waaaayyyyyyyy better then his last piece of work, "The Visitation", but thats just my opinion.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:47 pm

My favourite fiction author is Frank Peretti. He's great. He actually was one of the first, if not the first Christian author to write novels with Christian themes without them reading like a sermon. Very cool. My favourite book is probably The Oath. Although the Darkness books and The Visitation were great also. Monster was pretty good but I preffered The Visitation and the others.
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Postby Rachel » Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:33 am

Yes! This is a great book. I am going to have to say though that I enjoyed the Visitation a little bit more.
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:42 pm

It was a good book. Not up to par with the Visitation, or his Darkness books, but still quite good. The beginning of the book in particular scared the pants off of me.
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Postby Yumie » Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:37 pm

I liked this book a lot. It was more science fiction than all the rest (obviously. . . I mean, sasquatches?) but it was a fun read and it keeps you interested. I think I liked the Oath better though.
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:44 pm

One thing I DID like about the book was the interview they had with him at the end. Frank Peretti movies!! *dies* *remembers, 'oh, wait if I'm dead then I can't watch them'* *bawls*
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:06 pm

Yeah, the interview at the end was very good. I'm not saying Monster wasn't a good book (the beginning and end 100 pages or so were great, but the middle wasn't as good.
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Postby Archan » Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:51 am

Yay, support for Monster.

The Oath has to be my upmost favorite books of his, and I consider it to be his best piece of work to date. But Monster climbed up there for sheer fact of entertainment. I mean, as soon as I found out "What" the book was really about, (Anyone else here caught by surprise when they found out about the, well, hairy guys? :sweat: ) I actually put the book down and laughed, and enjoyed it even more. I agree the middle was dredged out way too long, and the whole "Me Jane you Bigfoot" thing was too overplayed, but it was still fun to read.

I can't say I would put Visitation above Monster, only because there where things in Visitation that urked me, there was alot of mis-printed things about Apostolics for one, they're not a cult, let alone a sex cult, I'm apostolic for cryin out loud! But other then that, thats not what really bugged me, it was the story play. I found out way more about the preacher guy then I wanted, in fact I was snoozing through half the flash backs, and the parade thing at the end was well, it felt slapped on. Like, Peretti just wanted to end the book and be done with it...I dunno, to follow up a book like Oath with Visitation, I was just happy Monster was more of a fun read this time around.

The interview was great, I really really really hope they do a good job with the Oath, just imagining the dragon and how it will look....*Passes out on floor drooling*
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:43 am

The Oath if done properly would be the most intense Christian movie! It would probably have to be MA15+ here in Australia! And how are they going to adapt it into like a 2 hour movie? That will be a task. I hope its done right!
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Postby Archan » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:49 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:The Oath if done properly would be the most intense Christian movie! It would probably have to be MA15+ here in Australia! And how are they going to adapt it into like a 2 hour movie? That will be a task. I hope its done right!

You and me both! I know what you mean about the movie being only 2 hours...especially with all the historical information....and the effects with the dragon, oh the dragon!

*Passes out drooling again*
God bless,

P.S. Noticed your an Aussie, 10 brownie points to ya! You Aussies rock bro!
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Postby Maledicte » Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:22 pm

And a This Present Darkness movie! *dies for the second time in this thread* This man is good...

Back on the subject of Monster, I must agree with W4J in that the beginning and end of the book were well done. I think this book has the largest body count in Peretti history...and he killed off my favorite character too. It doesn't say if he was a Christian or not so he probably ended up in H---. Boo.
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Postby Archan » Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:04 pm

SirThinks2Much wrote:And a This Present Darkness movie! *dies for the second time in this thread* This man is good...

Back on the subject of Monster, I must agree with W4J in that the beginning and end of the book were well done. I think this book has the largest body count in Peretti history...and he killed off my favorite character too. It doesn't say if he was a Christian or not so he probably ended up in H---. Boo.

A "Darkness" movie would be so great, lay the smack down on "Constantine" (Though I did like how they did the devil....) my ultimate dream is the "Oath" however.

Back to MONSTER, actually I think Oath has the record body count no? When there's the uprising in the small town, few cats kick the buckett in there as well. Then there's the dragon whose gobblin' up everyone like puppy chow. Monster had a notible body count, but not too much of one. I think Oath still holds the record.

Was talking to someone the other night, poor guy thought MONSTER was a sequel to Oath. I kinda thought the same thing as well, or that Peretti was using the smae formula as a basis for monster, then I recieved a happy surprise, this books was too fun.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:10 pm

Actually, a semi-relative of mine was one of the people developing the "Darkness" movie...

I got to see the special effects demo, and it looked pretty sweet, but I think he had to drop it, so it was probably picked up by someone else... They had this guy lined up, a circus performer called "The Flier" and he had such great upper body strength that he could hold himself entirely horizontally on a wire, and he would use that to fly himself around. He was going to be, um, Tal is it? Anyhow, I also would rather see "oath" made into a movie, provided they didn't hold back... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Archan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:28 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Actually, a semi-relative of mine was one of the people developing the "Darkness" movie...

I got to see the special effects demo, and it looked pretty sweet, but I think he had to drop it, so it was probably picked up by someone else... They had this guy lined up, a circus performer called "The Flier" and he had such great upper body strength that he could hold himself entirely horizontally on a wire, and he would use that to fly himself around. He was going to be, um, Tal is it? Anyhow, I also would rather see "oath" made into a movie, provided they didn't hold back...

YES! They really shouldn't hold back on "Oath", then again I think it would totally depend on the production house and how conservative they want to be, or if they're willing to be true to the book which is Horror, and horror sadly isn't conservative. But don't get me wrong, there's a way to pull off horror with class without resorting to guts and blood in every stinkin scene. Then, of course, there's the dragon.....



Ha, though I was gonna faint didn't ya! The day is MINE! :grin:
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:59 am

I don't know how you rate stuff in the US as The Matrix is rated M here (15 years older) and the tv seris "24" is MA (restricted to 15 years and over). I assume your R rating covers both of these?

Anyway, if The Oath was made into a movie (would be awesome!) it would have to be rated MA here in Australia for medium level violence, adult themes, supernatural themes and medium horror themes. It would be quite a violent movie and would have to be made by someone who understands the Christian faith underlying it but isn't afraid to make it non-sanitized (Peretti sure didn't). I want to see The Oath!
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Postby Archan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:46 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I don't know how you rate stuff in the US as The Matrix is rated M here (15 years older) and the tv seris "24" is MA (restricted to 15 years and over). I assume your R rating covers both of these?

Anyway, if The Oath was made into a movie (would be awesome!) it would have to be rated MA here in Australia for medium level violence, adult themes, supernatural themes and medium horror themes. It would be quite a violent movie and would have to be made by someone who understands the Christian faith underlying it but isn't afraid to make it non-sanitized (Peretti sure didn't). I want to see The Oath!

Matrix would be rated R here in the US, the ratings go G, PG, PG-13, R, and the rest after that none of us should have any business about. Personally for the Oath, I agree that either a rating of PG-13 or perhaps even R would be the most suitable for this movie to stay true to the book. Regardless, this movie would be very, very dark without a doubt. The first in Christian Horror, (Well, unless you count Frailty....but I don't know about that one so much).....

Anyways back to Monster, anyone else notice Peretti trying to break into Chrichton territory there? Especially with the labs and the anthropologist, thats what kind of made the book that more fun for me truthfully, I'm actually a Pre-Lost World Chrichton fan.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:49 am

Frank Peretti admits Michael Chrichton is one of his favourite author's, that could be why. I'm not a huge Chrichton fan, but Peretti uses his influence well. Yes, I noticed that too.
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Postby soul alive » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:00 pm

Peretti is one of my favorite authors. sadly though, i haven't been able to read Monster yet... i really need to get to the public library in town, my hometown one doesn't get new books very quickly. *cries*

i would be so thrilled if they did movies of his books, and now that it looks like there is going to be one for This Present Darkness... yeah!!! i hope they keep faithful to the book, and do a good job with it. i will SO be going to it. and it would also be quite awesome if they did 'the Oath... and did it well.


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Postby Lengai » Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:13 pm

I loved it! Frank Peretti not only knows how to scare the pants of you, but he teaches you something, too! (Oath -> Trying to ignore sin; Monster -> Genetic Mutations don't work)

My favorite of his has to be The Oath, then the Darkness books, and then Monster.

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