Im writing a novel!

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Im writing a novel!

Postby Uriel » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:25 am

Hello! I'm currently writing a novel, it does in fact have a lot of Christian's a story about a monk, a policewoman, a nobleman and his brother. Its basically a romance/adventure, actually I dont really know what the category is.

If anyone has any hints about getting published and such, OR is writing/illustrating too, please do post here!

Anyway, here's an excerpt from the next novel, the "Summer" novel, Lineage Of The Angel, which is the fourth book in the "series", only I have completed just one story do far which took me over 3 years and did, I believe, have some support from the church, such as interest from the Jesuit community.

"The rough man wiped his face. He was about to wrap up the weapon and cast it aside, when something landed silently behind him.
A gust of wind swept against his back and the rough man was enveloped in a cloud of feathers. He beat left and right with his club while soft plumes forced their way into his eyes and the back of his throat, engulfing him in a pitch-black cloud.
An invisible voice whispered and there was a blue flash and the club shot into the alley like a star. The rough man crashed up against a nearby wall with incredible force, chin cracking under the impact. Blood began to seep out of his mouth.
"Who's that?" rasped the man, struggling despite his injuries, and grabbed his fearsome captor by the collar.
Benedict Lionhart's skull-like cheeks flashed up under a cascade of shining black hair, his eyes gleaming like coals. Benedict looked a little older, for his brow and cheeks were furrowed, but age had only enhanced the majesty of his fine face. His narrow eyes burrowed into the rough man, lips set into a thin line.
"Thief. Murderer," Benedict growled."
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Postby oro! » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:25 am

Um, if you want people to post, you might want to put this thread in the writing section. I suggest coming up with different adjectives each time you meantion the character than "rough man", that perhaps enlighten our senses. Other than that, it does seem interesting..
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
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Postby Esoteric » Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:44 pm

Um, well I'm not a published writer or illustrator, hope to be one or both someday.... but uh, as far as tips, take a trip to either a library or a bookstore and find a good book on how to submit mansucripts. There are definite 'dos and dont's' for different types of manuscripts.
For a novel, I think you typically send a cover letter, the first two or three chapters, a synopsis of the rest of the story, and a SASE (self-addressed-stamped-envelope). I notice you're in the UK, so protocol might be a bit different with your publishers, so I recomend reading up.
As for deciding who to send it to, check out a Writer's Market book. Again, I don't know about the UK market, but in the States there's the Chrisitian Writer's Market Guide by Sally E. Stuart. It contains listings of numerous Christian publishers and what sorts of materials they are currently accepting for consideration. Perhaps there is something comparable for the UK.
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