Chobits...a very big name among anime and manga fans. For years now I've loved this title and even own the entire anime and manga series, but recently I've become a bit interested.
You see, lately many people have been comparing Chobits to Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend), saying it's as foul and disgusting, that it's messed up because Hideki's involved with a persocom and Riiko's involved with a robot...but are they really the same?
So far I've read up to volume five of Absolute Boyfriend, actually finding some of it funny and enjoyable at times, but now I've decided to stop. AS is humorous, but the fact Riiko actually does have sex with him in the end crossed the line for me and I just said no. Chobits doesn't seem as bad.
For starters, the Chobits manga does involve some nudity, but most of it is for humor, and depending on how you handle nudity and your sense of humor, it might not be a big deal. There's also the fact that, yes, the main character falls inlove with a "robot" but unlike Zettai Kareshi...[spoiler]He does not sleep with it. The whole plot of Chobits was to find Chii someone who would love her, and not care about having sex. If Hideki even does, Chii would restart and he would lose fact, I can't say Hideki even kissed Chii on the lips at any point of the story--manga or anime.[/spoiler]
Now...true it's just a few minor differences, but they're quite large differences. But still, do you think these manga are equally bad? In fact, does the Bible even talk about relationships like that? I mean, obviously robots and stuff didn't exist back then, but all I remember is that you shouldn't have sex with anything non-human...and well...Chobits doesn't break that rule. o_o; Sure it's possible other characters in the story could have with their persocoms, but it's never said so you can't say they're breaking the rules still.
So really, are these manga just as bad? Or is it just people who haven't even bothered to read it themselves to see? Personally I love Chobits and think it's very cute, but the only thing that worries me is that if there's a rule about loving something non-human. But what about anyone who actually has knowledge of either of these series? What do you think?