Wow! Looks like you guys have been busy!
I only wish my half completed entries looked like Eso's. I'm having fun just trying to dream up a narrative for that entry, there's so much detail and it looks quite action packed. And, of course, I love the dramatic lighting. And Photosoph's is so I could seriously see it as the cover to a creative writing magazine or journal. I love the concept and the colors are so pretty, plus it looks so polished and professional. Awesome work guys! ^_^
I kinda hacked something together tonight in a panic because I realized the deadline is looming, but I'll prolly need the next few days to try and clean it up. Unfortunately, I've been procrastinating. I'm getting kinda overwhelmed between work, the multiple art ideas that have been springing to my mind and fading away before I can get 'em down on paper, my bad habit of promising people artwork and the fact that school is starting in less the 6 weeks, but I've accomplished next to nothing on my list of things that I wanted to accomplish this summer. *gasps for air*
Eh, sorry about the ranting. I definitely don't seem to have it as bad as poor Eso, and it would seem that you all have been quite busy as well.
On a slightly more back on topic note: it's weird, I seem to be inflicting my worst nightmares on the poor dude in my version
[color="lightgreen"]"There is an art, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/color]