Having now seen the trailer, I can give further comments. The graphics were passable, and I was vaguely impressed by the physics engine (provided that they didn't merely show the objects that are most easily interacted with). Combat... not so much. I'd have to play it to get a proper sense of how it worked, but it didn't look all that great. Of course, the appearance of combat doesn't matter if it is still fun, but we'll have to see.
Link Antilles wrote:Epic. Instead, you were retracing the fellowship's footsteps, while listening to Gandalf explain everything and not really experiencing the events first hand.
While the battles were fun and all, there wasn’t really much to do outside battle. No shops, limited areas to explore, etc.
I agree. While I enjoyed playing the game once, I was severely disappointed and wouldn't play it again. My hope was that you could actually travel to any place on Middle Earth, not a specific set of "levels" with numerous boundaries (in Helm's Deep, most of the time you can't even backtrack). That left the experience feeling very flat (plus, the question of why some random punks are attacking Sauron, leaving Aragorn and Gandalf to putter around]anyone[/i] ever gotten Eaoden's last Passive Ability? There isn't any good way of leveling by the end of the game.