Yeah, I'm in the middle of the series (which is pathetic because I picked it up almost 6 months ago
). Basically, it's what MyrrhLynn said - fairly interesting story - messed up religious stuff. The art and character designs are awesome, but the animation isn't of any notable caliber. (But the whole diving off the building thing was pretty cool
So, if you're into huge eyes, (bigger than Tohru's even!) pretty boys who are perverts, monster of the week type story-line, Matrix-like religious melts, and a hybrid of St Tail and Sailor Moon, then check it out!
Well, guess I'll try not to hide how I really feel, huh? It's a pretty shallow story so far, and since I'm a huge St Tail fan (it's all Turbocat's fault!), it really bothers me to see how similar the basic plots are (St Tail came first if anyone was wondering
). I'm not very fond of the tossed salad religion presentation either. And I really didn't like the cover. His hand ... just didn't need to be *there*.
But, it's a good "fluff" series. And it can be pretty funny. It's just too bad that with the artists and designers they had for the anime they couldn't get a good story to match it. Expect my official review of the series soon.
And if I have to pick a fav, it's Fin so far.