This is like the User Titles topic. This is about your user name... what are your reasons behind having it?
Mine... First of all, I'll explain "Shadsie". My first online handle was "Shadowcat"... a name I chose when I registered with a fanfiction writing site. I needed a name, and I looked to my cat, named Shadow, and thought "Hey, Shadowcat." I saw a few other "Shadowcats" online, so I decided to change my handle to "Lady Shadowcat", which I still use on the fanfiction network and is still my global name on ezboard. (I was "PersianoftheShadows" breifly as a local account on a Pokemon/Team Rocket board). Online friends gave me lots of nicknames, like "Shades", "Shads" and "Shadsie". Now, online, I usually go by Shadsie. I like it the best of the names, and it eliminates confusion with a certain X-Men character I had no idea existed until after I had been using my Shadowcat handle for a long time. From what I've read about her and from my viewing of her incarnation of "X-Men: Evolution", I don't like that character. I find her personality annoying.
Secondly... um... it should be self-explanitory for anyone familiar with the anime title. I love Haibane Renmei. Thus far, I've only seen the first four episodes, but so what? I fell in love with it and am already obessessed. I know, that after I see the entire series, that I will be massively obsessed, possibly even getting into doing fanfics and fanart, much like I've been doing for Trigun for the last two years. I need a new obession and have decided, since I fell in love with it so fast, that Haibane Renemei shall be it! If only I can see the rest of the series... then I will let my obession blossom to full-flower.
The Haibane are the angelic-like people in the series... so.. "Haibane Shadsie".. me with my nickname online handle... as a Haibane.