Ingemar wrote:Still, I find Padme's death extremely contrived.
Impact Alberto wrote:Favourite: NnnnnnooooOOOOooooo! -Darth Vader
Least Favourite: NnnnnnooooOOOOooooo! -Darth Vader
Rurouni_Kaoru wrote:The fact that she dies at childbirth doesn't make much sense, because, in Eps. VI, as Luke is talking with Leia, he asks her if she remembers her mother, "her real one." Bail Organa's wife was not her real mother. Luke and Leia both know this, and yet Leia still says that she does remember her real mother. How could she remember her mother, if she only saw her at birth? Considering the fact that babies only see blurred shapes for their first few weeks, this makes no sense at all. O.o
jazz wrote:a favourite: "your powers are weak, old man"
i wouldn't have found it so funny if my four year old nephew hadn't randomly quoted it to his dad the other day
mobilesuitpilot wrote:Jazz, you're kidding right? Oh man, I wish I could've seen that for myself.
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