Alright, I need a high-adrenaline shooter...

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Alright, I need a high-adrenaline shooter...

Postby Link Antilles » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:04 pm

Lately, I have been pretty stressed, so I think it's time I picked up a new shooter. The question is: which one? I have narrowed my search down to five. Ok, that's not really a narrowed search, but these are all pretty much shooters I'm sure I'd be satisfied with it. -played the demos to all of these games.

Anyways, I'm planning on picking it up next Monday, seeing how I'm really busy this week.

Feel free to suggest any other FPS. Preferably PC.
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Postby Locke » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:17 pm

For me, I'd go with Half Life 2.
Awsome single player with even more addicting multiplayer ( CS source? Yes please!)

^ The only game on the list that I have. xD
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Postby Tommy » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:38 am

Hlaf life 2, man. That game scores big.
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Postby bigsleepj » Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:57 am

Half Life 2 isn't exactly high-adrenaline. It has action and its not easy to play and is a great game but its not "wall-to-wall" action.
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Postby Tidus20 » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:51 am

I don't know about any of them, but, You should get Alien Hominid.
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Postby Myoti » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:26 am

If you have cube, go with Metroid Prime, 1 or 2. Trust me, they rock.
Especially if you're looking for something a bit different.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:51 am

Is James Bond Rougue Agent third or first person?

That game looked so good.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:58 am

rogue agent is first person i believe

i know that ONE of them was 3rd person..... i don't remember which one

get half-life 2... it CAN get VERY intense... and the music makes your adrenaline more pumped up... but someitmes loading times can be a pain... and steam can be a little pain as well... especially updating
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Postby Ingemar » Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:08 am

Get Far Cry.
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Postby ZiP » Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:25 am

I'd say BF2 cause HL has never really seemed "adrenaline pumping" to me.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:03 am

Lets see.... I've heard lots of good about HL2 but never played it. It seems intense, but I haven't played it so I can't be sure.

BF2 looks awesome and quite intense. I know you have fast internet Link so that may be fun to play with all those people on-line. Though you'd also have to put up with the idiots. Does BF2 have a decent single player campaign?

Far Cry.... I have great memories of the demo. That would definitely be intense with the smart AI and such. I think that would be really good.

But my vote goes to BF2 just because if it's anything like BF1942 it'll be awesome.
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Postby Myoti » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:07 pm

Is James Bond Rougue Agent third or first person?

That game looked so good.

Have you played it? I haven't, but so far I heard it wasn't as good as they thought it would be.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Jun 21, 2005 4:42 pm

I haven't played any of these, but I would personally go with Half-Life 2.
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:22 pm

halflife 2 was quite a adrenaline rush game, the only part was it was a short singleplayer, but it comes with CS:S and halflife deathmatch. i loved battlefield 1942, and modern combat. i would get that it you have a good internet connection and are looking for great multiplayer, i would get that. republic cammando was also very fun, i liked it better than halflife 2, but it was way to short and left you wanting for more. the multiplayer was poor and wasn't much fun.
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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:35 pm

Hmm, thanks for the input, all. :thumb: Right now, it’s a major battle between Half-Life 2 and Battlefield 2. It’s very close. Heck, I know I’ll buy both by the end of July, but which one first? Btw, I saw Far Cry at Sam’s Club for $12, so I know I’ll pick that up sometime soon.

Anyways, I have been having an absolute blast with the Battlefield 2 demo online. Battlefield 2 seems to have a lot to offer. I am a serious gun fanatic and I love the wide range of guns to choose from. -Not to mention the tease from the demo of even more that are unlockable through earning ranks… and not just a few unlockable here and there for each faction, mind you, but a new alternate gun for each freakin’ class! That made me smile.

On the other hand, I really really want a great single game like RTCW (Return to Castle Wolfenstien) and Halo. Half-Life 2 seems to fit that order perfectly, but I have some questions about it. How long is it? How is the AI? How are the guns? What are the locations like? Are the all cramped or are some open? -not just meaning “openâ€
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:28 am

Link Antilles wrote: How long is it?

I played it in about 10 hours
LinkAntilles wrote:How is the AI?

The AI is pretty good. they'll run for cover every now and then, but usually charge straight at you.
LinkAntilles wrote:How are the guns?

I found myself rellying on only one or two of the guns throughout most of the games.
LinkAntilles wrote: What are the locations like?

There is at least one mission where there are a couple courtyard scenes, a lot of it was not really big, a lot of them were also kinda dark.
[quote="LinkAntilles"]Are the all cramped or are some open? -not just meaning “openâ€
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Postby mastersquirrel » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:18 am

The Gamespot review of Battlefield 2 gave it really high marks. Here's the link to the review: Battlefield 2 Review
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:35 am

the areas in half-life 2 can range from long highways, to long water canals, to weird alien infested towns, to enemy terrotiorys... its great... pure excellence... loads of locations to choose from

and also, counter-strike source is a GREAT mutliplayer game... easy to learn... takes a LONG time to master (ive played since like 1999 and now im really good) and half-life 2 deathmatch is EXCELLENT as well... love that game

the guns are really awesome.... the gravity gun... totally separates this game from the rest... trust me you will love that thing. It has other guns such as a spas-12, H&K MP7 (although its simply called an SMG) and a H&K USP Match (pistol, yadda yadda) and also your trusty crowbar... you can also get combine weapons and a rocket propelled gernade launcher, etc fun stuff.... and the crossbow I LOVE, because you can pin dead corpses to walls and such...

the gamehowever... isn't too long, netherless great, and definately leaves open for a sequel

play me in cs:s... and ill own you :lol:
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Postby Tommy » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:52 pm

Tomarrow Never Dies was also a 007 game that was 3rd Person. I have it, PS1.
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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:13 pm

All right, folks, thanks. :thumb: I picked up Half-life 2 a couple of days ago and beat it last night. :sweat: It is a short game. Nevertheless, that's what higher difficulty levels are for.

Anyways, the game was indeed excellent and quite exciting. I absolutely loved the story. So much so, that I just ordered that Half-life Platinum (along with Chrono Cross and Xenogears) from Amazon. -heh, yup, stubborn 'ol me ordered something off the 'net. Boring story, there; about saving of money and the like. ;)

As much as I loved that single player mode, I'm kinda' "meh" about the Counter Strike: Source. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to play CS with better graphics and physics (despite the needed work on the guns) again, but it feels "arcade-like" now. The games end way to quick for my taste.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:05 pm

because there is no wimpy ol "respawn" or anything till the next round, cs is pretty realistic

and the difficulty levels in half-life 2 aren't TOO different... well thats what most people say, for example, it takes 5 (or 6 or 7 i forget) RPGs to destroy the combine gunships, and stuff yadda yadda you get the picture

oh, and how was ravenholm? :lol:
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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:12 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:because there is no wimpy ol "respawn" or anything till the next round, cs is pretty realistic

Yes, but it seems waaaayyy to many people on there rush into death and repeat the same path of dead over and over. Now, I do enjoy this "no spawn" mode a lot in other games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty, because the map are more open and people hide and stalk. Call that "camping" if you like, but that's what grenades are for.

Still, even though I do like realism, I always enjoy having a game Conquest (BF2) or good 'ol capture the flag.

and the difficulty levels in half-life 2 aren't TOO different... well thats what most people say, for example, it takes 5 (or 6 or 7 i forget) RPGs to destroy the combine gunships, and stuff yadda yadda you get the picture

oh, and how was ravenholm? :lol:

Yeah, so far, I'm not noticing too much difference. We’ll see what happen when I bump it up to hard.

Ah, yes, Raven Holm. That was a pretty tense and fun level. Those head crabs are pretty freaky, but the G-man is creepier, I think.
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Postby glitch1501 » Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:57 am

for high adrenaline? i would definatly suggest serious sam, its so fast paced, and its pretty funny

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