Shatterheart wrote:Now maybe I am reading that wrong...but your not making any sence to me...perhaps I missed somthing. I don't belive that Christians have to sing about Jesus. If singing is there job, they can sing whatever they want to pay the bills...I fail to see your point I guess. I mean, do you spend 24-7 of the time your at work preaching the Gospel? No, because if you would never get any work done. There is a time and place for everything.
You're right, sorry if I wasn't clear on that point.
All I was saying is that our inherent desire as flawed human beings is to draw lines of division between things. Just look at church denominations.
Same thing with music, trying to create a clear black and white between good and acceptable music and that which is detrimental takes more than just what label an artist is on, or how they present their relationship with Jesus in their lyrics. Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart, right? But then look at the universe as God has created it. There is definite right and definite wrong, and we sometimes cannot tell the difference and come across "grey" areas such as this. That's when an examination of the heart is required (seriously, I encourage everyone to go read Romans 14 again).
Sometimes we miss out on some great Spirit-infused songs because a group's gone mainstream and therefore, we think they can't be, or aren't being, as bold with their faith. Not necessarily true.
We can also without question go and purchase an album from a band that doesn't even try and represent Jesus, whether lyrically, or how they live their lives after the show, simply because they're attached to a tour with some mainstream Christian artists, or they're on a label with Tobymac (just an example), or whatever...
In the case of Bleach, who did not mention Jesus every other line of their songs... if you ever get to meet any of those guys... wow. You're family to them about 5 seconds into the conversation. True men who seek to exemplify Christ.
Then there's the afformentioned Relient K (getting somewhat back on topic), with some outstanding lyrics in all their albums to date, some of which are unabashedly Jesus-centric, without question.
As a youth leader, I got invited to a special tent at Cornerstone Florida when we all went a few weeks ago. I didn't stop by there more than twice the whole fest, because I was too busy meeting people and watching amazing shows, but the second day, there was a talkback session scheduled with the two Matts from RK, and we decided to go see what that was all about.
A few questions from the crowd of youth leaders, some vague answers (I got how they feel about their band as ministry... i.e. they don't), but the stiking thing to me, was upon their leaving the session, they were walking around a little later, and really acted too busy and important to really get to know any of the clamoring fans that would stop them along the way to wherever they were headed.
Normally, I chalk this type of behavior up to life on the road, which can make these artists tired and cranky on occasion. It's not an easy life, being a musician, Christian or otherwise, so I give them a break.
But this is the third year in a row, at 5 different venues where I have seen these same guys from RK act like that.
Now we might be quick to judge, and it might sound like I am judging, but really, I can't.
Simply because of those verses I mentioned. Who am I to judge what God can do or is doing through the work, or music, or art, of one of His children?
If the Lord is truly Lord of their lives, the message will burn a hole in them until that light shines forth (Ezekiel had this problem... the truth weighed so heavy on him he simply couldn't contain it).
Both of these bands have had an opportunity to impact lives for eternity through what they do. Simply because they decide not to exercise that occasion does not make me like them any less as people (I don't even know them, and I dare assume neither do any of us, so...), or give me a desire to besmirch their reputation simply because I might do things differently if I was a rock star.
All I know is that the salvation of the listener should be as important to them as the salvation of my co-workers should be to me. In the face of eternity, only Jesus matters.
Looks like we all have a lot to learn still... and I will look to my own plank first. Their specks can wait...