AnimeHeretic wrote:The ewoks destroying hi tech equipment with a bunch of logs ruined it for me. Cut that out and it was good
For me empire worked because it had the characters seem most human
Did Last Crusade use a digital camera or CG? If I remember correctly, the withering villain scene was done entirely with "conventional" Special effects... And it still looked better and less laughable than the claymation melting scene in Raiders...AnimeHeretic wrote:Going OT, I think that digital cameras and CGI are actually making modern movies more soulless than older ones in general. The main reason I thought Raiders of the Lost Ark was better than Last Crusade was for that reason
Bobtheduck wrote:Did Last Crusade use a digital camera or CG? If I remember correctly, the withering villain scene was done entirely with "conventional" Special effects... And it still looked better and less laughable than the claymation melting scene in Raiders...
Besides that, I find that statement offsetting. First off, the ONLY difference between digital video and conventional film that's even really worth discussing is the difference in the way they handle shadows. I've seen many productions made on Video that had tons of "soul". It's not the format that gives something its soul, it just affects the colors really...
Looking at CG (both 2d in anime and 3d in movies and such) at this early stage and making a judgement about it for the rest of time is a bit irresponsible... I mean, I look at some of the films made in the 20s, and they are incredibly boring and laughable... It was still new. Then, when talkies came around, for a long time "screen acting" was really just "stage acting" perhaps toned down a couple decibles... The hyper-realistic acting that shows up in the better movies of today wasn't possible on stage, and people just didn't have experience with it.... I think the same this is true with CG, and just like back then, I think there are exceptions...
Lord of the Rings would NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE with conventional effects... Then there are things like Shrek that are produced entirely digitally... Many games, though I don't remember if you're a game fan, contain incredible emotion and revelation to them. Silent Hill 2 is an example I bring up a lot, even though the voice acting in that particular game is mediocre, the "acting" of the characters is what makes it work for me. The CG characters were very moving, and I can't get through that game without a good cry and serious thinking.
CG is a tool. It's an artistic tool. You can't have any more or less soul in any medium than the artists are willing to put into it...
EDIT: Off topic, to make a comment about Metal Gear, the NES game only sucked because it was stripped of some very important scenes from the original MSX game... THe second NES game wasn't even canon, and the second MSX game was rather moving and set the stage for MGS because it is Snake's breaking off from Foxhound...
Bobtheduck wrote:It is all a matter of taste
Sometimes when I hear people say "too much graphics" really what they're saying is "it looked too good, I liked it better when we had to use our imaginations more"
Just because something is easier now doesn't mean it's lost it's soul. Do you prefer slaughtering your own meat, writing letters that take weeks or months to reach their destinations, beating rugs, trying to use water to clean everything, or having to talk to people only within your own town or village to the modern things we have now that make life easier? Supermarkets, email and a ratehr well developed postal system, vacuum cleaners, cleaners of all sorts, and the internet... Now, Supermarkets, Email, and internet aside, since you may well think those things remove the soul from life, but do you think vacuum cleaners and chemical cleaners remove the soul from your house because the house can be cleaned faster and with much less effort? Do you think that having a well developed, quick postal service somehow removes the soul from what you have to say because there isn't the 2 week to a month or more wait until it gets to its destination and then as long or longer for you to get a reply?
You can have your own answer to that, even though the questions were mostly rhetorical (I can't say for sure, because people have weird thoughts... This whole "natural" kick is conditioning people to believe technology is evil) I mean, IMNSHO things being easier, taking less effort, isn't a bad thing. Along those lines, I think the same thing applies to animation... I mean, merely because the artists have better tools and don't have to try as hard to get what they want, and in some cases can get things that those other tools couldn't afford them doesn't take the soul out of them. The soul comes from the artists portraying what they wanted to portray, what meant something for them, in whatever way that was possible... It is only souless if the artist has lost something, not if a certain tool was used (particularly "digital video" I can't believe people even say that one...)
Rocketshipper wrote:There actully are a lot of people who would say e-mail has taken the soul out of communication. they long for the letter writing days of old ^^
AnimeHeretic wrote:
Here's the first review I came across. No real spoilers. Seems like a mixed bag.
blkmage wrote:It's only there if you're looking for it. I mean, I can see how that's possible, but it's not the first thing that comes to mind, is it?
Rocketshipper wrote:Supposedly Hayden Christensen .said in an interview that the movie definitly had something tosay against the bush administration. I can't find the link to the interview anymore. It was somewhere on MSN. However, I did find a little article that kind of seems like a response against the allegations that the movie is intentionally anti-bush
I think it's more likely that the Bush administration, by sheer coincidence, happens to mirror some of the things in the prequal movies, rather than the movies themselves being deliberate criticisms of the administration.
Shatterheart wrote:People that go the whole Ep3 is anti Bush are anti-common sence. Thats like saying, oh goodness, I just read a greek play where the lead guy invaded...w00t its propaganda! People will search for politics in everything. That being said...don't turn this into a debate.
Shatterheart wrote:People that go the whole Ep3 is anti Bush are anti-common sence. Thats like saying, oh goodness, I just read a greek play where the lead guy invaded...w00t its propaganda! People will search for politics in everything. That being said...don't turn this into a debate.
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