Postby Bobtheduck » Sun May 29, 2005 12:00 am
I'm just scared the american release will pull a "Kingdom Hearts" to the glee of many ignorant fanboys and call her "Aerith" when her name is actually the latin (or was it italian?) word "Aeris" It's why she was "AeriS" and Sephiroth, a reference to the Kabalah(sp?) was "SephiroTH" because the original names they used were actually S and TH... For those that don't know Japanese, there is no "th" sound in Japanese... When representing foreign words that have "th" in them, they either use an s or a z depending on whether it's a voiced "th" like "the" or a devoiced "th" like "thick" In the debug mode, Cloud is named "Claude" basd on a bad romanization of "Kuraudo"(or was it "kuraodo") which is just the Japanese pronuciation of "cloud" and Aeris is called "Aerith" Many budding hackers thought they'd found something special out, and so they said that her "real" name was Aerith, but really it was just bad romanization that ignored the origins of her name... Still, I don't hear any fanboys crying for Cloud's name to be changed to Claude. It's funny, when someone says something and they sorta have a factual basis for it (emphasis on "sorta") so people run with it... Aeris wasn't called "Aerith" in Japanese, because there isn't even a "th" in Japanese, yet that rumor is passed on and even becomes company approved in the fanfiction writer's fantasy that is "Kingdom Hearts" (not that kingdom hearts isn't an incredible game, it's just an incredible work of x-over fanfiction...)
Um... The movie looks very pretty, I'll give it that... FF7 wasn't my favorite game in the series, though, and they've had a bad history in this regard... Legend of the Crystals was abysmal, FFU was mediocre, and Spirits within wasn't much better... I want this to be good, I really do... I mean, it is a step above FFU and Spirits if only because it is based on an actual game story, but Crystals had that going for it and it was the worst in the bunch... Of course, AC is a serious project, not just a fanservice fest... Well, actually it is fanservice... Just not sexual fanservice... A sequal in this regard is, in itself, fanservice... Anyhow, I'm really hoping for FF7:AC to be good, only because I want to see a good movie based off FF, and it does look very pretty, but I'm not going to get my hopes up... Not anymore...
EDIT: I note the irony in using the term 'fanboy' derogatorily when I, myself, am a fan boy as made obvious by the stress this detail makes on me... I just don't like changing a character's name... I even have a hard time reading anything but "The Complete Jewish Bible" now, because I'm used to hearing the people's names in the Hebrew rather the English versions or latin versions... I'm ok when other people say "Jesus" or "John" though... I mean, that's not a detail you want to squabble over when it comes to salvation or discipleship, it's just my personal preferrence... When it comes to fictional works, that's a different story ^_^ Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess