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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 11:34 am

I think you missed my point. I grew up, and still do love the original films. But the fact is, the acting was not amazing. Mark Hammil was...at best, ok. Did I love the films? Yes. Do I think people should use them as a golden rule standard? No. I just think its funny that people bash the new acting...you, for example. Seem to not like Hayden. I think Haydens acting is right on par with Hammel, Fisher, etc. Its not really the acting that makes Star Wars. Its the chemistry. Ford and Fisher had it...and in my opinion, I think that in the new one...in a totaly non-sexual way, Hayden and McGregger have it.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Wed May 04, 2005 11:42 am

Maybe they do, but I still don't have to like Haydn. I just feel that he doesn't act the way Anakin would in the situations he encounters. And I must disagree with you with Mark Hammil, though I haven't seen him in any more movies...
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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 11:52 am

I think people let a bias against Hayden taint there view of him. Many don't like him as an actor...so they refuse to see him as a good Anakin. And no, you don't have to like any of the actors...but it does not change the fact that the acting is about even between the films. As far as Hammil, after the Star Wars movies I know he has done voiceovers in a lot of video games. And I think TV movies for Sci-fi
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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed May 04, 2005 12:03 pm

Hyden is actully a good actor!!!I think hes a great Anakin. Just my opinion
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed May 04, 2005 12:34 pm

I agree that the first movies were something special. great story, great characters, (at the time) revolutionary special effects. the actors had chemistry, and contrary to what some people are saying, the acting was hardly B-grade.

When "Phantom Menace" was announced, we were all excited. But what happened? Instead of larger than life heroes, we had a collection of jerks and whiners, flagrant contradictions from the original series (if the Force was a compound in the body, then everything Ben and Yoda said in the original trilogy was a lie about the mystical power of the force), uninspired action scenes that relied on computer special effects instead of drama and tension...

quoting this for emphasis.

anyway, Episode I was kinda cool, but only kinda. it had some nice visuals. it had nice costume design. it had a cool fight scene where Obi-Wan kicked some serious Sith butt. but...to me that's not what a Star Wars movie was supposed to be about. to me, Star Wars was about story, and conflict, and hardship, and drama, and smugglers and blasters and old Jedi Masters. (and you have to admit that poor kid that played Anakin could NOT act.)

Episode II...meh. it had some cool -moments-, but that was about it. Yoda whipping out a lightsaber and kicking some butt was not enough to carry off the whole movie, as cool as it was. I wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker. instead of sympathizing with the guy's plight, I just wanted to feed him to the Sarlacc monster. and it still doesn't make sense to me why Padme was in love with this guy.

face it, the storytelling in the new movies is lame. George Lucas should not direct movies or write his own screenplays. for example, let's look at the original trilogy.

A New Hope was written and directed by Mr. Lucas. it was pretty good, yeah. but then, take Empire Strikes Back. it was so much better, and it wasn't directed by Lucas, nor did he write the screenplay. same thing with Return of the Jedi.

now, on the new movies, he's writing and directing again, but he's too busy playing with his computers to direct the actors. I don't care how good an actor is, they need a director that knows what he's doing or it just doesn't work. even Ewan McGregor does a subpar job compared to some of his other roles, and he's a fantastic actor.
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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 12:53 pm

I never had any real issues against the actors (except the kid who played Anikin in episode 1). Sure Ford raced through his lines, and Hamill had a pretty undistinguished film career outside of Star Wars. The only known actors were Guiness and Cushing. The acting skill isn't the issue. It's that I hated the characters in the second trilogy.

The thing is, in the originals, you cared about what happened to them, in the sequels-- MST fodder.

I think almost 20 years was too long-- Lucas lost touch with what did make the originals good, IMO. He never would have sunk to Jar Jar in the originals.

I went in giving them a fair chance, and was disappointed.
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Postby Indigo_Eyes » Wed May 04, 2005 1:00 pm

Ashley wrote:(kind of like my feelings for Gone with the Wind, which I absolutely detest, but that's another story)

You hate Gone with the Wind too? *feeling of blossoming kinmanship unfolding* Yes!! I'm not alone in my hatred!! I actually hate this book (although you're talking about the movie, which I refuse to see after reading the book) more than I have ever hated any real person-which may seem a bit strange, but is true none the less. This book made me depressed a bit and not want to read books for a while, which is crazy considering how much I like to read and that I have read hundreds of books. For the longest time I wanted to burn all of the Gone with the Wind books that I could find in a HUGE bonfire... I have yet to find a hate fanlisting site for it, that is something that I need to do sometime....

All of this was REALLY off topic I know, and trust me, I condensed it a lot-I could go on for days about how much I hate it and why.... So sorry. Just ignore that last paragraph if you can. :sweat:

Anyways, back on topic.
I didn't like episode 1 of SW, but I did really enjoy episode 2--I thought it was well done, even if Anikin was really immature at times. I am also really looking forward to seeing the third one, and will try go pretty soon after it's released. Concerning the rest of the series, I think that episodes 4-6 were great, especially 5 and 6.
Just my two cents anyways.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed May 04, 2005 1:22 pm

I barely remember watching the original STAR WARS at the drive-in movie theatre in California, and I recall how excited I was. *_* I was amazed. I also recall I couldn't stand the whiny Luke Skywalker and continued to hate him through "Empire Strikes Back." In fact, I felt so disappointed with Empire that I couldn't wait to see "Return of the Jedi" just to love the Star Wars movies again. And, I waited in a line which stretched around the block to watch "Return of the Jedi" and it did not disappoint me at the time.

I also remember how the critics hated the acting. Harrison Ford took the brunt of those "bad acting" comments. He really was cheesy in the originals, but he had the best lines and delivered them well. This is why he went on to be such a great personality - not actor - in "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The three did have chemistry and for a movie like this that is what matters. The chemistry is what was missing from the most recent two and it's probably why people who want to love them, just can't push themselves to love them. I know it's why it's been so difficult for me to try and enjoy these movies.

I have to agree with Shiroi here:

Episode II...meh. it had some cool -moments-, but that was about it. Yoda whipping out a lightsaber and kicking some butt was not enough to carry off the whole movie, as cool as it was. I wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker. instead of sympathizing with the guy's plight, I just wanted to feed him to the Sarlacc monster. and it still doesn't make sense to me why Padme was in love with this guy.

Man, why did Padme fall for this whiner? ANAKIN!!! George Lucas abandoned his actors in the first two, and I think he learned his lesson for this third one.

Anyway, that was summed up in bad writing. Someone needed to edit those scenes between Padme and Anakin and someone needed to make sure when something did not make sense, it was directed and written to make sense. That was just unbearable. It was like reading a really bad book.

However, I am psyched about seeing "Revenge of the Sith." I want to see Anakin go to the dark side. I can hardly wait to see it and watch George Lucas redeem himself somewhat. I want to leave the theatre feeling the way I did after leaving, elated from watching "Return of the Jedi."

I think that it will be a really great movie. It better be. XDDDD

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

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Postby Ashley » Wed May 04, 2005 1:39 pm

I hate to pick a fight here, but I DID grow up with the originals. No, not age wise, I AM too young to have been there for the original releases. But I remember very clearly every Christmas watching all 3 with my father and brother, asking questions at every single commercial break driving my dad bonkers, oggling over Han and how completely awesome he was and wondering if I could make my hair do like Leia's. I was 11 when the new, edited releases came to theaters and I remember going with my father and siblings to them, and being totally blown away. So don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the old ones. I just don't think a lot of the criticisms people give the new ones are really all that valid--they sound to me like shallow cover-ups for the fact they just don't like them, so they try to compare it to the originals and give beef to their argument.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying ANYONE here has that mindset. Everyone is free to their own judgements. I'm just fleshing my argument out a little more.

I think you're right, there was some incredible ground-breaking stuff in the originals, and the chemistry was what made the movie. I guess what I would like to see is people judging the new movies by their own merit, instead of holding them up to this incredibly impossible standard and claiming "well the originals did it". The new ones have done a lot technologically advanced, as did the originals in there time, and I just don't think people are giving these movies a fair chance, that's all. Neither triology was perfect, but each has a super high place in my heart.

*kicks away soapbox* I hope no one kills me, and again I'm not trying to spark any fights here. Just simply explaining my stance a little more. You guys that hate the new ones, feel free to hate; that's your choice, you know?
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed May 04, 2005 2:32 pm

long posts o_0

I am exicted to see it. I am a avid star wars fan. I saw the new ones before the old ones though. However, I did go out of my way to set a free day and watch all 3 movies :lol:

I'm exicted cause I get to go to the mid-night showing. I won't dress up like LOTR though.

oh and here's a Star wars 3 thread
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Postby Nate » Wed May 04, 2005 6:47 pm

ShiroiHikari wrote:it still doesn't make sense to me why Padme was in love with this guy.

THANK you. To me, the "romance" (if you want to call it that) between Padme and Anakin was EXTREMELY forced. She couldn't stand him, she said he would always be that little kid on Tatooine to her, then suddenly, they're making out? Did we miss a few scenes? I think Lucas wrote these films over the weekend and said, "Oh yeah, Luke and Leia have to be born somehow, I'd better hurry up and make Padme fall in love with Anakin even though she has no reason to."

I guess what I would like to see is people judging the new movies by their own merit, instead of holding them up to this incredibly impossible standard and claiming "well the originals did it".

But, all the movies are a SERIES. A series is a bit different from a cheesy sequel thrown together for a quick buck, like XXX 2. The movies were (supposedly) written long, long ago, and if that were true (I think he's a liar), then the quality of the movies should not have decreased.

Let me put it this way. The LOTR trilogy is a series too. What if you went to go see it and the plot looked like it had been written on a caffeine buzz the night before it was screened? You'd probably be pretty angry, and wonder why the movie decreased in quality from the first one to the second one. Series are very seldom judged on their own merits. Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi. Good, but doesn't have the heart of the original. And how many times have I heard people say, "Well, the anime is okay, but the manga is MUCH better."

Star Wars is a SERIES, not a bunch of sequels. If it were a bunch of sequels, perhaps I could forgive it for being a little under par. But the fact is it is supposed to tell one continuous tale, and these movies don't feel like they do that.

And how come in the original movies, Obi Wan says Yoda was the Jedi that trained him, but in Episode I it's Qui-Gonn? Did George Lucas somehow forget what happened in the original movies? And midichlorians...what was up with that? And Jar Jar...*shakes head*

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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 8:06 pm

[quote="Ashley"]I hate to pick a fight here, but I DID grow up with the originals. No, not age wise, I AM too young to have been there for the original releases. But I remember very clearly every Christmas watching all 3 with my father and brother, asking questions at every single commercial break driving my dad bonkers, oggling over Han and how completely awesome he was and wondering if I could make my hair do like Leia's. I was 11 when the new, edited releases came to theaters and I remember going with my father and siblings to them, and being totally blown away. So don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the old ones. I just don't think a lot of the criticisms people give the new ones are really all that valid--they sound to me like shallow cover-ups for the fact they just don't like them, so they try to compare it to the originals and give beef to their argument.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying ANYONE here has that mindset. Everyone is free to their own judgements. I'm just fleshing my argument out a little more.

I think you're right, there was some incredible ground-breaking stuff in the originals, and the chemistry was what made the movie. I guess what I would like to see is people judging the new movies by their own merit, instead of holding them up to this incredibly impossible standard and claiming "well the originals did it". The new ones have done a lot technologically advanced, as did the originals in there time, and I just don't think people are giving these movies a fair chance, that's all. Neither triology was perfect, but each has a super high place in my heart.

*kicks away soapbox* I hope no one kills me, and again I'm not trying to spark any fights here. Just simply explaining my stance a little more. You guys that hate the new ones, feel free to hate]
I don't think we hold impossible standards. George Lucas did not have to reinvent the wheel and come up with amazing material. However, what we did expect was that he would come out with a product that was in the spirit of the originals. Instead episode 1 looked like it was designed to sell commerical products like videogames and action figures. He went top heavy with the technical and neglected the story. Episode 2 wasn't bad except for the continuity errors were flagrant. The Anakin character was kind of forced.

But as for not picking a fight, it's too late-- you never should have dissed Gone With the Wind ( :P )
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed May 04, 2005 8:11 pm

OT: You all are making me want to rent Gone with the Wind again. I really need to find out if it is good or bad. -__-;;

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 8:15 pm

[quote="true_noir_chloe"]OT: You all are making me want to rent Gone with the Wind again. I really need to find out if it is good or bad. -__-]
Well, I tended to look at it as a morality play-- a "Rise and Fall of Scarlett O'hara if you will... I went to see it for the 60th aniversary revival in the theater intending to MST it. I really got into the story...
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Postby Link Antilles » Wed May 04, 2005 8:58 pm

*walks wearing a Jedi robe holding two cents and a Taun-Tuan plushie*

I love Sci-fi and Star Wars is why I love Sci-fi. Yes, I am dying to see Episode III and hoping for the best. Why? Because I still have some fading hope for the Star Wars movies and this one actually looks dark. Heck, the PG-13 rating should be solid hope that will be dark.

As for the arguments on the two prequel movies….

Frankly, I think they are trash, silly, and soulless.

Episode I

I didn’t outright hate this movie the first time I saw it. Sure, it wasn’t my beloved Star Wars movies, but it was an entertaining back-story. The pain actually started when I got the VHS version. It was little gripes that slowly led to fan-anger. First, there was Anakin, who I’ve never cared for. He bugged me more than Jar-Jar. Then there was that Midichlorian thing, which was odd and sounded like me (aka dyslexic person) trying to spell Mitochondria (you know, the little organelles that give cells their energy). Followed by Darth Maul (cool, but lacking), the music (duel of fates was the only track that was awesome), and various little plot inconsistencies (like the aforementioned Obi-wan’s master).

Episode II

This movie is just so silly, it’s almost comical. First of all, Attack of the Clones? What sort of cheesy 50s monster movie title is that anyway? Seriously, the name makes little sense. In this movie the clones are suppose to be the good guys… they aren’t ransacking villages and nuking Gungans… yet.

To me it felt like a melodramatic kid’s movie with no soul. It was too mechanic; it was a popcorn action movie with lots of cool explosions and a nonsensical love story.

As mention a million times before, Hayden Christensen’s acting was hideously annoying and whiney. You really didn’t care whether he becomes evil or died. Your actually waiting for it.

And why did Padme fall for him, anyway? I mean, at least the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 is understandable.

But, no, I’m not going to say that Hayden Christensen killed the movie. He did have potential. His character should have been like James Franco’s (Harry Osborn) in the Spiderman movies. Someone likeable but enraged, charming but potentially explosive.

What killed it all? Lucas’ dream of “wowingâ€
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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed May 04, 2005 9:33 pm

I'm a rare breed of Star War fans. I actully enjoy the new movies more than the old ones. I still love the old ones, but (I'm sure some people will kill me for this) but they really didn't feel as "epic" as the new movies. I understand that back then they had special effects limitations (even with the movie being ground breaking it still couldn't do everything) but the new movies with their more advanced effects have been able to create huge epic battles with hundreds of ships or on foot warriors fighting. Like the final space battle in Jedi scaled up. The more choregraphed lightsaber duels in the new trilogy are also more interesting to watch than the ones in the original trilogy. I can't wait to see episode 3, I heard the lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi-wan is suppoed to be really long and epic ^_^.

I will also admit that Han Solo and Leia beat out all the characters in the nw trilogy (except Yoda and Palpatine) They had great chemistry and all the best lines in the original series. For the most part I found Luke's character to be grating, and I used to really not like Mark Hamill for some reason. My opinion of him has grown a little, but I think I might prefer Anakin a little more in episode 2. Padme also rocks! Natalie Portman is cool.

I have two reasons for liking the new trilogy more. One, I like the special effects and fight sequences more (as I said up there), and two, I actully think some aspects of the plot are way more intriguing than in the original. I think the best part of the new trilogy is the political conspiracy angle. Watching Palpatine manipulate his way into power, seeing him play both sides of the conflict and mastermind vast plans, and seeing him gain the trust of all those around him with his charisma is all very fun to watch. I can't wait to see his plans for galaxy domination become final in episode 3, and I'm really looking forward to seeing him in action with a lightsaber.

Someone mentioned continuity errors that showed up in the new trilogy. The one that annoyed me the most was with Luke's uncle. In episode 2 they established that the guy really is related to Luke by marriage because Anakin's mother married Owen's dad. But in Return of the Jedi the book (Although I guess this might not have been cannon) Obi-wan tells Luke that the people he lived with weren't related to him, Luke's "uncle" Owen was actully Obi-wan's brother.

Ya know, I think the fact that they are all part of a series means you SHOULDN'T be comparing them. They should be taken as parts of ONE whole, not infinitly compared to eachother. It's like going to a 6 act play and saying "act one didn;t live up to act 4" when it;s all supposed to be one play ^^
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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 9:42 pm

Whoa, someone not bashing the new films? Put on your flame proof clothing Rocketshipper. *laughs* I doubt your opinion will be a popular one. I am thankful to hear that not everyone feels the same about the series though...
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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 10:16 pm

Shatterheart wrote:Whoa, someone not bashing the new films? Put on your flame proof clothing Rocketshipper. *laughs* I doubt your opinion will be a popular one. I am thankful to hear that not everyone feels the same about the series though...

Why? I haven't seen too much of that, though there is resentment at implicit accusations of being narrow minded. I don't have a problem with people liking them. I do have a problem with people saying the old ones were just as bad...
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed May 04, 2005 10:37 pm

I didn’t outright hate this movie the first time I saw it. Sure, it wasn’t my beloved Star Wars movies, but it was an entertaining back-story. The pain actually started when I got the VHS version. It was little gripes that slowly led to fan-anger.

ditto. at first I was downright dazzled by the visuals and stuff. everything was so shiny and new that I didn't really see the flaws til much later.
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Postby Ashley » Wed May 04, 2005 10:44 pm

Rock on, rocketshipper. Nice to see someone that likes the new ones too.
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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 10:49 pm

I do have a problem with people saying the old ones were just as bad...

You just became guilty of the same narrowmindedness you don't like.
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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 11:08 pm

Shatterheart wrote:You just became guilty of the same narrowmindedness you don't like.

How do you figure that? The ones who say that are the ones who use the flame language in general, calling the people who thought the first ones were better narrow minded. The people who say "the old ones were just as bad" (notice I didn't say "the people who liked the second set of movies) are the ones who attack the people who didn't like the second set. I have yet to encounter a person who didn't like the second set of movies who took it to flame levels. Usually they shrug and say "Whatever..."

I guess it's like Trekkies and Trekkers. Trekkies are usually nice about their hobby. Trekkers tend to be... well, I won't go there.

Anyway, there are Star Wars fans that are nice about it, and those who are dogmatic. To the people on the list who like the new series, fine. I don't see that as a problem, though it's not in my tastes. Just treat the rest of us with the same respect. I just try to explain why we think the way we do, and if you disagree, fine.
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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 11:28 pm

You became hypocritical when you said "I have a problem with people who say the old ones are as bad as the new ones" That kinda goes against your attitude here...

To the people on the list who like the new series, fine. I don't see that as a problem, though it's not in my tastes
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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 11:40 pm

Shatterheart wrote:You became hypocritical when you said "I have a problem with people who say the old ones are as bad as the new ones" That kinda goes against your attitude here...

Allright, fine, I accidentally deleted a line when I sent my original post and didn't notice until now.

It should have read as such:

I do have a problem with people saying the old ones were just as bad because they use that to lead into an attack that we're biased...

Please note I distinguished between the people who liked the second trilogy and those who used the "just as bad" argument

No inconsistency, just bad mouse click
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Postby Stephen » Wed May 04, 2005 11:42 pm

*shrug* Back on topic. I cannot wait to see General Grievious...he looks wicked in all the trailors i've seen.
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Postby Arnobius » Wed May 04, 2005 11:58 pm

Saw one trailer anyway (love my broadband) and the trailer at least looks like it's in the spirit of the originals. Probably catch a matinee (I'm not the type to stand in lines). Hope it's as good as it looks.
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Postby Stephen » Thu May 05, 2005 12:03 am

Since I live in Maine..its like really easy to get first day first showing tickets. So I will catch it with Lightbringer and maybe Gypsy. I saw a trailor on tv the other day...makes me get super pumped up whenever I see stuff. I cannot wait to see this.
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Postby Ashley » Thu May 05, 2005 12:05 am

(I'm not the type to stand in lines).

Heh, my best bud from high school and I (who is also a complete star wars freak) are making plans to go to a midnight showing. We're debating about whether to go in full costume, or just bring our lightsabers. :lol:
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Postby Arnobius » Thu May 05, 2005 12:11 am

Ashley wrote:Heh, my best bud from high school and I (who is also a complete star wars freak) are making plans to go to a midnight showing. We're debating about whether to go in full costume, or just bring our lightsabers. :lol:

:lol: I suppose if you're with friends it's fun.

I'm in the bay area, so I guarantee it will be a circus on midnight May19th. I'll give it a day or two and see a matinee (though with ep2, that was undoable for the first week or so)
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu May 05, 2005 12:35 am

Two major pluses for the prequels were very good art direction and intriguing stories. They had lots of style and played out like political thrillers in a way, whereas the originals were a lot less political and mysterious. That's my take anyway.
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Warrior 4 Jesus
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