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Postby CreatureArt » Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:25 pm

I'm not really familiar with the term 'Ex-Nihilo' but here goes...


From the birth of a baby
to the birth of the sun
it's a stated fact:
from nothing nothing ever comes.

This whole world is kept in orbit
in the loving Father's arms
Without a creator
the creation equals none.

If you believe that you'll fail
so refuse to even try
then you let your dreams
and aspirations slowly die.

You are born with a potential
that stretches past the sky,
so don't let a lack of effort
stop you winging up that high.

:) . The next topic is... *looks around for a random word around her to form a song topic*. Hmm.... I have the chords for the song Amazing Grace in front of me, so....


I'm really happy with that song. Thanks for such a cool topic, TD!
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Postby That Dude » Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:36 pm

That's a great song! I think that it's one of the best that you've written that I've seen. And it hit home pretty hard...'Cus I've been selling myself short quite a bit. Thanks for a great song. I'll let somebody else come up with the next song. If I don't see anybody doing it I'll try my hand at it.
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Postby CreatureArt » Fri Apr 29, 2005 2:50 am

Thanks, TD! Weird.. it sounds vaguely rappish.. and I don't think I've ever done rap before.

I wrote the bit 'If you believe that you'll fail so refuse to even try then you let your dreams and aspirations slowly die.' as a bit of reminder to myself to keep hoping and praying for my Mum to keep getting better, and it was actually really helpful because it strengthened my determination. Praise God. :) .
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Postby That Dude » Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:49 pm

Your welcome CA. Yeah your right that it sounds vaugely rappish...It might work as a punk song...I should try and make it into one :grin: That's cool that it's helped you out...I'd really like to hear it if you get around to putting it to music.
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Postby anime4christ » Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:27 pm

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Postby That Dude » Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:31 am

I'd listen to it but the audio on our computer is kind of wacked right now so I can't.
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Sun May 01, 2005 1:10 pm

First, after WAY to much noodling around and procrastination, I FINALLY finished a song I've had floating around for a while. Basically, it's trying to sum up the gospel, only in superhero language. :wow!: I guess The Incredibles influenced me more than I thought, huh? Oh, and I just want to say that I really like how the chords turned out in this. I'm sure that would mean more if you could actually EHAR them instead of reading them. Oh well...

You landed on Earth from beyond the sky
With powers no mortal man could wield
Disguised as a mild-mannered carpenter
But now your true identity’s revealed
In your shining white costume
With the blood-red cape
You soar majestically across the sky

You’re my only favorite superhero
Overpowering villains every day
But the classic issue we all know
Was when you stood in your arch-nemesis’ way
And even though it cost your life
You saved the Earth from sure destruction
And, to top it off, you came right back to life

But what I don’t understand is why so many of us are ignoring you
Dead set on living in peril in spite of the fantastic things you do
Running back into burning buildings when you offer to fly us away
Why won’t we just let you swoop in and save the day?

Everyone’s building their house upon kryptonite
Or putting faith some diabolical scheme
Trying to hide in their secret lair
Building their own doomsday machine
Meanwhile, you’re holding up broken bridges
And if anyone looks at all
It’s just to day “Hey, you! Get out of the street!â€
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby That Dude » Sun May 01, 2005 2:57 pm

Very nice Blitzkrieg! I enjoy the "comic book" feel to them...Here's another little ditty I wrote.

I can't feel pain
I can't feel anything
I'll lose emotions.

If I'm numb
I won't feel any pain.

I've become unfeeling
in an attempt to be free.
I wish I could just leave.

I'm empty and need to breathe.
To scream and breathe,
God I need your love.

And that's it. I wrote this because I know (am one also) many people who just try and make themselves numb to be free of pain and dissapointment.
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Postby That Dude » Sun May 01, 2005 3:11 pm

And on a lighter note..

This is a song about that special girl.
The one that means the world.
I couldn't ever live without you, you're so cool.

If I had my way I'd be with you every day.
The sound of your voice melts me baby.
And it kills me that I've treated you badly.
I need to feel your hand in mine.
To look into your eyes.

Oh I think I'm in love with you.
My boo!

I'll never treat you cruel.
So marry me honey.
We'll live together in harmony.
Just loving each other, you and me.
Your all I'll ever need.
You'll always be my princess.
I'll make you my missus.

This is a love song dedicated to you.
My boo!

This is a satire of all the love songs that you hear all the time...The main problem with it though is it was to original and not as cliche'd as I was shooting for. Ah well...Hope you guys like it.
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Postby Photosoph » Sun May 01, 2005 4:53 pm

That's cool Blitz. I love superheroes etc so I really liked that song; the bit about mild-manner carpenter and holding up the bridges were especially cool.

Malheureusement, je le connais aussi, T.Dude... Unfortunately, I understand it too, T.Dude. Oui; Yes; sometimes it seems easier to feel nothing than to feel horrible. (:I But, of course, that's not true; I guess that's something you learn after going through it. I mean, I think I heard something about God putting our tears in jars or bottles or something because they're precious to him, and besides that it feels horrible when you don't feel anything, eh?

Your obligatory cliche love song was cool too. 'My boo!' :lol: Great song writing!

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby CreatureArt » Sun May 01, 2005 5:15 pm

I really, really enjoyed your song Blitzkrieg. Do you ming if I print it out to try those chords? :) . The way you mixed it into the Superhero genre was really well, with really nice mixed imagery.

'Need to Breathe' is awesome, too, TD. Like Soph says, its true that it seems at times easier to go numb than to feel, but you end up finding it even worse. I think it is perhaps something that a lot of people learn, or at least, quite a few of the people I know, to different degrees. The awesome thing though, is just like the cry: 'God I need your love' at the end, we can call out to God who loves us and will help us through. Awesome. :) . Bringing it back to God at the end of a song is excellent.

Lol - 'My Boo!' . :lol: . I could just image that being sung in a soppy voice with crazy pre-teens squealing at an all-boy band ;) . Some of those ryhmes were fantastic: 'missus' and 'princess' especially.

I'm writing a song at the moment, but it's only got a few lines of a repeated chord changes. It's Gm on the first line to Am (A sounds good, too) on the second line.

CONSTANT/ WITH ME (just tentative titles)

When I walk through the valley of the shadow
you are with me: and you'll never leave.
When I face the daily struggles of life
You are with me, and you'll never leave.
When I cry out to you in praise or despair
You are with me, and you'll never leave.

..Now I need to come up with a chorus. :) . As a side note: it is awesome how many great song writers there are on the CAA!
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Sun May 01, 2005 8:20 pm

Indeed! Glad ya'll liked my song, 'cause I certainly enjoy all of yours (and by all mean, feel free to print out whatever you like). I can really identify with "Need to Breathe" too, very well done... Also, "Obligatory" is made me laugh quite healthilly. :lol:

And, as promised, here's the "Amazing" ditty I was talking about (Wow, that sounded a little egotistical, didn't it?). I hammered it out pretty quickly, so the rhythm is a little wierd in places, but I really like how it turned out:

When some shepherds in the middle of nowhere
Were shook awake by the light
Of a heavens full of shining angels
Who sang out with all their might
To tell them their longed for savior
Was born to them that night
I bet that was amazing

And when He grew up and before everyone
Walked on top of rolling waves
And fed a couple thousand people out of
What just one boy gave
And with just a few words from His lips
Called a man out of the grave
I bet that was amazing

And then, when the only perfect one
Had thorns placed on his head
And the hands that healed and ministered
Hung on dirty nails and bled
And He took the death of every man
And died Himself instead
That… was a different kind of amazing

And me, I’ve got my rut dug deep
And just go from day to day
All but spitting on that love
In my own, indifferent way
And even when I realize it
It’s just to kick myself and say
That I… I’m not amazing

But to think that He should go
And take this cold unlovely one
And give me what I least deserve
Absolving from all I’ve done
He tells me that I’m His precious child
Loved by God’s own Son
Now that, THAT is amazing

And looking forward to the future
When this imperfect time is over
And I fall in the arms of the savior
I had trusted in before
And spend eternity basking
In the glory of The Lord
I KNOW that will be amazing!
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Photosoph » Sun May 01, 2005 8:28 pm

Okay, I guess we've all seem this smiley face before... but bear with me when I post this about your last song:
Because I'm beaming very happily! ^_^

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby CreatureArt » Sun May 01, 2005 11:50 pm

That's awesome, Blitzkrieg! I'm glad you asked us to wait for you to post it. You only forgot one thing: a subject for the next song! :P .

I really like the message refrain (is that the word for it, anyone?) of 'I bet that was amazing' and the following variations on the message. The chronological order of it was nice, too. :)
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Postby That Dude » Mon May 02, 2005 10:13 am

Thanks Soph. Do you got any?
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Mon May 02, 2005 2:28 pm

D'OH! I did forget, didn't I? Sorry about that. Glad you liked the song, though. Um, lessee... the next subject.

I know! "Memory"! :lol:
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Photosoph » Mon May 02, 2005 2:34 pm

Thanks Soph. Do you got any?

No problem; I loved your songs! Can't wait to see more. I might go back and look at some of the previous ones too, since I've enjoyed all your guys' songs so much. I guess I haven't commented on CA's so much because she's my sister and I can get away with that. :grin:
I think I have some, somewhere... I might have to dredge a few up. :)

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby Photosoph » Mon May 02, 2005 3:14 pm

Well... these thing were posted a while ago so I hope you don't mind me revisiting these posts:

Blitzkrieg1701 wrote:Like I said, it’s not that deep (how many Christian songs talk about the great tribulation of not being able to afford the outrageous prices of new anime?) but I sure felt better by the time it was done.

It might be better if more writers did. I think it helps people to relate to the song if you talk about issues they deal with too -ones that maybe not everyone does, but which they do. Maybe it makes them feel less alone in who they are, the things they like, and even the issues they deal with, be them small or large.

That Dude wrote:And that is it. It's pretty dark...Which is kind of wierd because I'm a pretty laid back guy...But I like writing lyrics that'll stick in peoples minds...But yeah this is more of a poem thingy (though I was hardpressed to view it that way.)

I liked it; it spoke frankly about the condition of the world. There are heaps of ways to write about a subject, but though you can use humour, allegory etc, sometimes seriously and without hiding the subject is the best way to do it.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby CreatureArt » Mon May 02, 2005 4:46 pm

All right - I'll pick up on the topic: 'Memory' (I love that song... but it seems that every single girl that starts doing some sort of singing will perform it. I've heard some very... uh.. interesting reinditions. Including my first one ;) ).


Is it our past that forms our being
or do we define identity?
Do the situations we have faced
make us unable to change?

Can we run from what has happened
do we have to flee at all?
Is it possible in present times
to change who we've become?

Running from what's gone before.
There's nothing we can change.
Is that the truth?

We can change ourselves
our past doesn't define us
We've still the possibility
to break away.

To change.

We've been given redemption
from a God who took our sins away
The failures of the past
no longer have power to break.

We are a new creation
our price paid in Jesus' blood
We walk a path of righteousness
and we have been redeemed.


We have changed.

I think that turned out all right, though there was quite a dramatic loss of beat/rythm that would probably have to work out with rest and pauses with a melody. :P . Probably could do with some fixing up. :lol:

The new topic:
"Dreaming" - As suggested by PSoph. :) .
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Postby That Dude » Mon May 02, 2005 4:51 pm

Hmm...The computer went wack and I didn't see any except Soph complimenting my songs...But thanks to all for the compliments. Hmmm one with Memory...

Life in a memory
These visions that haunt me.
Silent memories.
Darkness inside me.

God let me forgive!
They would not let my family live!
Led them away.
They never came back to me.

Why must we suffer so Lord?
Why are the eyes of the world blinded to our pain?
All we live in are memories.

That just kind of popped into my mind when Blitzv said to write something with memory.
Next one is...Sacrifice.
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Postby CreatureArt » Mon May 02, 2005 5:22 pm

Whoa - we must have been writing songs at the same time. Cool! I guess the next person can combine the two topics or pick whichever one they like better. :)

I like your version of memory, TD. I need to go finish an assignment, so I have to be brief, but I like the way you've used words together to create imagery - 'silent memories', 'darkness inside of me' are really effective. Cool song. :)
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Postby Rachel » Mon May 02, 2005 6:24 pm

Okay so I haven't checked out this thread in a while, but you guys have been writing some excellent stuff. Tomorrow during newspaper class I'll try writing one on one of the topics.
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon May 02, 2005 7:25 pm

Time for me to make another post in here. ^_^ About a month or two ago, to make a long story short, I wrote this one for Inkhana when she asked me to do a theme for a couple of her characters...

(The boy, speaking to God...)

Why have You forgiven me? I just can't comprehend
How You can still see good in me, with all the blood I've shed!
Sorrow overwhelming has resulted from my guilt.
I owe You all I have; to You I'm debted to the hilt!

How can I e'er repay You for this life to me You've loaned?
The radiance of Your character outshines my very own!
I've hurt You so, and yet You choose to not retaliate;
Love fills You, although my own soul was filled with only hate.

Why have You forgiven me,
This undeserving soul you see?
Great is my own guilt and shame;
But greater is Your mercy and grace!

(The girl, speaking to the boy...)

Dear one, I am quite aware that I am not a saint;
But I forgive you for your sake, lest sorrow make you faint:
I seek to but restore the fellowship that we once had.
I see that you've repented; there's no need to feel so bad!

Listen, my dear one; hear and mark it well:
I love you more deeply than the ocean depths can tell!
The debt that I owe Him is more than yours to me:
And thus I let go of any grudges there be.

I have this on the Melodies of Heaven page of my site (The BASIC FAQs) if you want to hear the music. :)
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Postby CreatureArt » Mon May 02, 2005 7:29 pm

Hey there Rachel! That'd be cool if you wrote something for the topics tomorrow if you could. :) .

I like the song, TMM. Especially the line:
How can I e'er repay You for this life to me You've loaned?
The radiance of Your character outshines my very own!

That's really true, and you've made it into a really neat ryhme. :) . I'm downloading the music now, to check see what it sounds like.
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Postby Photosoph » Mon May 02, 2005 10:24 pm

Hey, while reading your song T.Dude, I was listening to some rock music in the background... your lyrics fit the rhythm really well, so here's the effect I got as I read:

Life in a memory
These visions that haunt me(-Silent memories)
Darkness inside me.

-God let me forgive! (-They would not let my family live!)
Led them away (-They never came back to me!)

Why must we suffer so Lord?
Why are the eyes of the world, (-blinded to our pain?)
All we live in are memories.

It was really cool the way I listened to it. Hoped the way I rephrased it etc shows you what it sounded like.
I really liked the lyrics too; even just having listened to them with other background music, I can imagine them fitting any sort of music really well.

Great stuff too, CA. :thumb: As usual. ^_^

I really liked yours too, MM. I'd like to listen to the actual song, but when CA tried to download it, for some reason the download stuck at 21% -_-" We'll have to try again. I like how it's divided up into the two separate parts of the two characters; it reminds me of songs from movies or stage performances.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby Photosoph » Mon May 02, 2005 10:43 pm

I'm thinking of your sacrifice;
How could you have giv'n your life?
You suffered so much pain;
-All for my gain?

I'm looking at your life,
At, what you've done;
In death you found, the vic, tor, y;
How could you give it up?
When you had done no wrong;
Now over death, and sin, you've, won...

And if you, so perfect, Lord,
Suffered so much pain;
What else can I do,
But give all I have?

Be my life a simple, life,
Be it something grand, or small;
Please help me always give it all;
Just as you've given, for me.

I'm looking at your life,
At, what you've done;
In death you found, the vic, tor, y;
How could you give it up?
When you had done no wrong;
Now over death, and sin, you've, won...

Since you've triumphed o'er, the grave,
And flung the power of death, aw-ay;
I have nothing to fear, at all;
I can hold my shoulders tall, raise up my sword, and fight!
For you've given me, this ri-i-ight;
To be called a child of God.

Next subject:
Well, since I took the subject of sacrifice I guess 'dreaming' is left.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

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Postby That Dude » Tue May 03, 2005 3:01 pm

Hmmm Dreaming....I'll take a shot at it. And thanks for all the compliments guys (and gals ;) )

Dreaming, Remembering.
I dream of what used to be.
Laughter and singing.
Just messing around.

I wish you were here now.
But you had to leave.
Why couldn't you stay?

All there's left are dreams of yesterday.
When things always went our way.

Now where are you today?
I miss hanging at your place.
Why can't I stop time?
And never say goodbye.

Ok...Lets see...The next topic should be "Thoughts." You should take a shot at it Rachel!
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Postby That Dude » Tue May 03, 2005 3:03 pm

Nice song BTW Psoph. Keep it up!
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Postby Photosoph » Tue May 03, 2005 3:19 pm

Thanks! I really like your dreaming one too :thumb: .
"-All there's left are dreams of yesterday. When things always went our way." Cool!

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby CreatureArt » Wed May 04, 2005 9:09 pm

Cool songs, TD and Soph! I like the last line in 'Sacrifice' - 'To be called a child of God.' It really makes a cool statement at the end. I also like the same line 'All that's left are dreams of yesterday', too. It's a nice way of alluding to memories. :) . The rhyme 'when things always went our way' is nice, too, and gives a really nostaligic feel.

Cool songs! If I get a little more time on the computer tonight I'll try and write on a topic, too. :)
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