Kura Ookami's writings

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Kura Ookami's writings

Postby Kura Ookami » Mon May 02, 2005 2:18 am

Every week im going to try to write something to add to this thread. I want to be a writer and so i need to write. :)

I just wrote this on how computers have become so imprtant in our lives today that we wouldnt know what to do without them.

Computers are everything in our lives today.

We, humans are becoming more like machines ourselves letting machines do our work for us. Dishwashers wash our dishes for us and we trust that they'll do a good job. Washing macjines wash our clothes and again we trust that they'll do it better than we humans can. My grandmother didnt have anything of what we have today. I dont think she even had a television. She washed everything herself. Dishes and clothes. And hung clothes up to dry. No dryers back then either. Even our food can be manufactured by machines.

Isolation is part of our lives today and i can only see it getting worse. Sure we have interpersonal communication, but it is often through computers. Two co-workers sitting next to each other will likely email each other rather than actually chat in person. In my grandmothers day everyone talked face to face rather than through machines. Online relationships are common, people speaking to friends through a computer.

Computers have benefits. You can meet and chat with someone who lives a million miles away instantly and hold a conversation, but we've started to lose the human touch. In rural coommunities people are more likely to stay inside at home than to take a walk and talk to their neighbours. Computers have only been in existance for, what? 50 years, 60? but they've pretty much taken over our lives.

We've lost the ability to survive without them, which we had fifty years back. Jesus surrounded himself with people. 12 men who stayed with Him and He talked with them face to face. Spent alot of time in human ompany.He could have just stayed in one location sitting on a throne somewhere and used His awesome powers to heal everyone without moving anywhere or talking to anyone. Would He have started an online healing business had He come to us in our time? Maybe, but He wouldnt have only done that. I think He would have done the same today as He did 2000 years ago. Spent quality time with friends and family in person. Spent time really getting close to people. Perhaps we should take His example and spend more time in person with friends and family.
Absence is to love as wind is to a flame. It extinguishes the little, it ignites the great.

Life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been real life you would have have been instructed where to go and what to do.

When i argue with reality I lose.....But only 100% of the time.

Once you've decided on a course of action, only you can finish it. As long as you remember that, there's nothing you can't accomplish.
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Kura Ookami
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