Let Me Be

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Let Me Be

Postby Cedahlia » Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:25 pm

This is the rough draft of a poem. I am probably going to make some changes, but I wanted to see how it was now. ^^ If/when I make changes, I'll post it here.

Let Me Be


I'm stuck between
reality and my dreams.
Dreams are so much more pleasant,
I don't want to deal
with my life.

Let me lay here,
eyes closed,
ignoring the world.
Let me dream here,
only of pleasant things.
Where happiness is always
right around the corner.

No one can reach me,
no one can hurt me.
I can't hear those
awful words,
feel my aching heart.

This, this is the quintessence
of happiness.
This is where I want to be.
I’m not missing anything, no.
But if I’m not...
why do I feel so lonely?
"Not believing is letting each other down, that's how it is."

~Lacus Clyne
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:09 pm

That's very good. Emotional, but not too dramatic. Are you writing it for a class, or just for fun?
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