Numbness and Melody- a poem

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Numbness and Melody- a poem

Postby girlninja » Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:10 am

Numbness and Melody

Sitting in the dark
feeling the cold deep within
hearing the harmony from above
unfeeling melodies

God calls from his throne
i wonder can he see me
He says to come
Does he notice the cold waves inside?

Yet i hear those harmonious sounds
praise and rejoicing "Allelujah'
Yet i sit in the darkness
unable to let the light touch

Crying within
while a smile remains on my lips
Can anyone hear the sound
of a tortured soul?
"If not now then when? If not me then who?-anonymous

and of course now i must instill the Dancing BANANA'S!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


ORORORORORO!-Himura Kenshin

:jump: :lol: :thumb:

"It is not weak to value human life!"-Raiden, Mortal Combat II

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

*ADOPTED BY* ..yea i know scary I got a adopted ~_^

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Postby Cedahlia » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:58 pm

Wow, what a beautiful poem!! I love the description, and though it isn't that long, alot is said. ^^
"Not believing is letting each other down, that's how it is."

~Lacus Clyne
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