Hugs of a Loved One
She looked up at me, and I bent down.
As we embraced, I stroked her fur.
It was warm, black felt against my fingers,
Comforting my soul.
I moved and her red, coarse collar collided with my cheek,
She moved and her moist nose nuzzled my face.
I looked into her eyes.
They were like stars with their golden glow.
My mind would not let those eyes go.
Slurp-slop went her tongue as it slid across my face.
I giggled and she wagged her tail.
We shared such joy in our first hug.
With time she grew and so did I,
Our hugs grew less and less.
I became a worker bee over time.
She looked at me with wanting eyes,
But I was too busy to note them.
She got feeble,
Forgot who I was,
And I felt pity for her.
The day then came to put her down,
And as we drove into town
I knew her end was near.
I hugged her before she took that shot,
She looked at me, confused.
I told her to say hello to her relatives in heaven for me,
And with that I had to leave.
When I came back the dog I knew was gone,
All that was left was the shell of her spirit.
I sat in the truck as we drove down the dirt road,
Tears pouring down my face.
I thought back to when it all began,
And then I longed for that first embrace.