Art Projects Gone Awry...

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Art Projects Gone Awry...

Postby Haibane Shadsie » Sun Oct 19, 2003 5:12 pm

:sniffle: Have you ever worked on something all day (even a non-serious piece, something you were just doing for fun)... and it turned out really good, then it got ruined?

That JUST happened to me. I'll tell you of the disaster.

I decided to play with Sculpey clay today. Sculpey clay is this plastic clay stuff that you bake in the oven to cure and harden. I got some one time to make a little piece of jewelry, and I used some to make a little sculpture of the winged dog character from my novel (which is currently unpublished and getting tweaked by me). My winged dog sculpture turned out very well, and is currently sitting on my bookshelf, atop some books. One of her wings broke and I had to glue it, but I'm posting her to give you some idea of what I was doing today.

Front View

Side View

Today, I decided to sculpt a Serpent-Dog - one of the baddie creatures of my novel. I did this very detailed little figure - more detailed than the winged dog there, if you can believe it...

I, by mistake, threw away the box the Sculpey clay came in - with the baking instructions. I thought I had remembered them... apparently not...

Crispy critter.

Burned the darn thing all to heck! I worked on it for 3 hours, and I destroyed it! :waah!:

I think, still... there is a way to save the sculpture. The completely blackened creature kind of melted over to one side... it looks like... a dying serpent-hound. I'm thinking I can paint it, add some red for blood... and make it be... a serpent hound dying from battle wounds. :sweat:

Anybody else ever make some kind of boneheaded mistake like that with an art piece and... TOTALLY DESTROY IT? It's like... GAH!
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Oct 19, 2003 7:43 pm

I've spilled water on several of my drawings before and the blue ink in the lines of the graph paper I use for proportional sizing bled all into the image. *mutters*

I'm sorry about your serpent-dog! :(
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Postby JediSonic » Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:07 pm

Wish I coulda seen it!
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Postby Mave » Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:52 pm

hehe since I use alot of pencil in my number one enemy is "smudging"!! And I hate it when it cannot be erased, becomes worse the more I try and in the end, I tear the paper.....Especially in the face, too grrrr! :bang:
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