Postby shooraijin » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:27 pm
> ? Mhz HP-300 server
I think it's a 20MHz 68020, but I don't recall for sure.
Fine, since you posted your entire list, here's mine.
The Mac Plus, the dual G4, the Commodore 128, the 486 utility laptop (on the desk, previously posted).
On the server rack: Macintosh IIci (25MHz 68030, 128MB, NetBSD), Solbourne S4100/36 (36MHz KAP SPARC-1, 40MB, OS/MP), Apple Network Server 500/200 (200MHz 604e, 512MB), Power Macintosh 7300 (G3/500, 512MB, NetBSD).
In the bedroom: Macintosh Iici (50MHz 68030, 24MB, System 7.1), AMD 5x86/133 (48MB RAM, DOS 6.22), Commodore PET 2001-16B (1MHz 6502, 16K RAM), Commodore PC-20-III (turbo XT class, 256K RAM?), Commodore SX-64 (a Commodore 64 that's portable! and the first colour "luggable").
In the bedroom closet: spare SX-64, 2xMac IIsi (20MHz 68030), Quadra 605 (50/25MHz 68040), SE/30 (16MHz 68030), Commodore Amiga 500 with 40MHz 68040 upgrade side car and SCSI side car, Apple IIgs (2.8MHz 65816, 1MB RAM, 20MB internal SCSI disk, GS/OS 6.0.1), Texas Instruments 99/4A (9900, forget the clock speed), Tandy Colour Computer 2, spare Commodore 128DCR, spare Commodore 64, spare Commodore 16, Pentium 75 (soon to be P120), Tomy Pyuuta (Japanese computer, 2.7MHz TMS 9995, ancestor of the first computer I ever owned, and a bear to import -- cost me over $200).
In the dining room closet: broken Apple eMate (stupid professor, some sort of ARM CPU), 2xCommodore VIC-20, 2xCommodore Plus/4, Commodore 116 (being repaired and restored from various spare parts), Commodore B128 system board (no keyboard or power supply ... this will be rebuilt), Tomy Tutor (my very first computer ever! 2.7MHz 9995 -- the Pyuuta is its ancestor), Timex Sinclair 1000 (3.5MHz Z80, what a piece of ...), Data General one 8088 laptop, Tandy PC-4 pocket computer (custom VLSI CPU), Tandy PC-2 pocket computer, Panasonic Quasar HHC compact computer (1MHz 6502), Texas Instruments CC-40 (custom TI CPU), Atari XEGS (basically a gutted 65XE lurking as a game system), two Commodore 128s, multiple HP 95LXs (small 80186s marketed as DOS-based palmtops.)
And believe it or not, the apartment may be cluttered, but it *is* clean!
EDIT: Forgot the game systems. There's two Dreamcasts, an Atari 2600 and an Intellivision.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
"Al hail the forum editting Shooby! His vibes are law!" - Osaka-chan
I could still be champ, but I'd feel bad taking it away from one of the younger guys. - George Foreman