Esoteric wrote:...if he was right about what?? Quite a cliff hanger there... I have no idea why looking at his wrist gave him a possible reason why two people suddenly attack him on the street.
Esoteric wrote:But I'm wondering about a society in which it's perfectly normal to wear a sword around town, particularily when one is job hunting. I know you say these bio-suits make ordinary swords and guns fairly petty weapons, but unless everyone on the street is wearing a bio-suit, someone with a sword or gun would still be a cause for disomfort.
Esoteric wrote:I am also wondering about the intro of the mercenary band, Leo/Mark/Syd. It was a little bland. You should them meeting up and give us from background, but you cut it off just before they actually 'do' anythng.
Esoteric wrote:Perhaps your next chapter explains all of these things. If so, that's good. Chapter one creates some big questions and the reader isn't going to want to wait too long before getting them answered. Still, I like it. You've got me wanting to know more.
He was in a restaurant that looked like something out of Happy Days
Esoteric wrote:<drum roll....> Ah ha! So, he was looking at a watch on his wrist. This makes much more sense. All right. Suggestions.
Esoteric wrote:I broke out laughing at this sentence. Sure, it's a really fast way to describe a room if the audience has seen Happy Days, but naw, it doesn't work. Instead, have Scott note that the restaurant looked like something he'd seen in pictures or old videos from the 1950's, 1960's. Build the description from his viewpoint, not ours.
Esoteric wrote:Okey dokey, two things broked' here. First, that totally doesn't sound like Scott, at least, like nothing else he's said so far. Second. What was the cause of the 'nasty holes'? I really don't understand. Did he do something to the computer? Was it a glitch he knew ocurred during simulations? I didn't make a connection.
Esoteric wrote:This sentence comes after Scott already figures out what is 'going on', but the audience has not been enlightened yet... (one minute he's figured it out, the next he's again wondering what they want...)
Esoteric wrote:If Scott figured out that it was a simulation, that his life wasn't really in any danger. Why would he be so driven to win 'the game'? He doesn't know who's done to this to him, he doesn't know why, all he know is that they've put him in a very nasty situation. Why should he cooperate once he knows it's fake? (ie, if he knows the rocket launcher isn't real, why doesn't he just stand there with a smile and dare the guy to shoot him, ending the simulation?).
Esoteric wrote:I felt like, in order for Scott to be driven to win this cruel 'game' A: He must be super-competative and can't stand losing under any circumstances. or B: He's so angry at whoever decided to pick on him that he wants to 'pay them back' with a painful defeat.
Esoteric wrote:I think Scott's personality has to be explored and divulged a little more during this is after all, his personality and ingenuity their testing.
Esoteric wrote:I could say more, but I think I've already talked your ears off for now. I hope you keep working on it after you paper's done. With some polishing, this could be a real good story!
Ssjjvash wrote:I got kinda confused: what year is he really in?
Ssjjvash wrote:Dude, Esoteric, are you an English major or something? I wanna know how you're able to critique his material so well!
mastersquirrel wrote:I'm actually really appreciative that you're being candid with me (at least I think you are). And I thank you for your compliments and your suggestions. I'll take whatever help I can get (besides getting someone else to write it for me) and I thank you very much.
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD
mastersquirrel wrote:My most sincere apologies to every one who had been keeping up with this story. After the project another thing took it's place, then another, and then another, and my story took a back seat until I just didn't write in it at all! I've decided to begin working on it again, so you can look here to see what's new. I can't promise a weekly update like UC and some of the other writers, but I will get back on that horse and I will finish this story!
Carl strained his ears now. Sweat came more freely now; his undershirt was getting wet.
Esoteric wrote:hehe, nit-picky? I know how that is. Everytime read something I've written, I want to change it again.
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD
Photosoph wrote:That's very cool! I like the way you cut quickly through the scenes]
Thanks for the compliment. In fact, boring scenes is the exact reason why this update is so short. I might've had chapter 3 in its entirety to post if it hadn't been for how many times I drafted this scene. At first I had Leo introducing the team and telling him about being the pilot, but hat was boring and I still ended up with Scott discussing it with Scott. So I just cut out the Leo scene all together.Esoteric wrote:Short and sweet... a good segway. Not much else to say right now. Keep it up!
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD
The armor that the creature was wearing seemed to be extravagant bear encounter armor.
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