Volt wrote:no thanks.... The same old horror movies with actors who walk slowly down halls and have that STUPID CONSTIPATED look in their face.
It's getting old, very old, very fast. The Actor in Boogyman did nothing but look constipated. Which is why i enjoy the classics (Aliens, dawn of the dead, resident evil), mrs. Weaver sure didn't play stupid, she straight up kicked butt.
no thanks.... The same old horror movies with actors who walk slowly down halls and have that STUPID CONSTIPATED look in their face.
It's getting old, very old, very fast. The Actor in Boogyman did nothing but look constipated. Which is why i enjoy the classics (Aliens, dawn of the dead, resident evil), mrs. Weaver sure didn't play stupid, she straight up kicked butt.
no thanks.... The same old horror movies with actors who walk slowly down halls and have that STUPID CONSTIPATED look in their face.
It's getting old, very old, very fast. The Actor in Boogyman did nothing but look constipated. Which is why i enjoy the classics (Aliens, dawn of the dead, resident evil), mrs. Weaver sure didn't play stupid, she straight up kicked butt.
Have you seen it?
Boogeyman exists for one reason and one reason only: when a bunch of thirteen-year-old girls get together for a slumber party, they want to rent something "scary" (but not really). And sitting right there, in all its neutered, toothless and PG-13 glory, is Boogeyman. So if you're a smart-thinking parent looking for a horror movie "for kids," you're an easy mark for this piece of junk. Do me, you, and all those thirteen-year-olds a favor: leave this one sitting on the shelf, caked with all the dust it so richly deserves.
One of this year's absolutely WORST horror movies...and we're talking about a year that's already given us "White Noise," "Alone in the Dark," and "Hide and Seek." Think about that before you head out to the multiplex. Please.
Volt wrote:still I can't wait for the DVD to come out, so i can rent it, and use WinDVD to take all the screenshots I want, I'll even start up a website of tons of collections of pictures from horror movies where the characters look constipated, and I shall call it http://www.ConstipatedR.com
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