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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:25 am

oldphilosopher wrote:I picked 10, though in retrospect I could have chosen anything except 6 and 5 :lol:

OK... It's time for then incredulous, "YOU didn't like VI?!?" weirdos to start in on me...

... YOU DONT LIKE VI?????????????????????????????????


6 is my favorite, best story. BEST SOUNDTRACK!!!!!!!! and 14 availbale characters.... my second ff game ive played. First is ff4

my favorite songs are: awakening, terras theme, celes theme, aria de cararatte, the phantom train, the phantom forest, battle, the descisive battle (omg BEST BOSS MUSIC EVER!!!!) and the feirce battle, and devils lab.... I LOVE ALL OF THEM!
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Postby Vyse » Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:27 am

Where's all the love for FFV?
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:27 pm

I loved V.....

Actually, I love every game in the series pretty much equally, some a little more than others. It's just such a fantastic series.
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Postby BigZam » Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:21 pm

why doesn't nobody like VIII? i bought it a couple a days ago and i love it...awesome storyline...
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Postby Chichiri » Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:54 am

My favorites are probably 4, 6, and 9. I liked 5 too because of the job system, but not much more than that. But it was a redeeming factor in an otherwise ok game.

As far as FF7.. overrated as it gets folks.
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Postby Jasdero » Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:40 pm

Final Fantasy VIII. X3

Er.. there really isn't a specific reason as to why. I just like it.. XD;;;;
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:43 pm

Chichiri wrote:As far as FF7.. overrated as it gets folks.

i whole-heartly agree, it was a good final fantasy and all, but everyones like "OMG ff7 is the best evern no doubt about it! I have't played any of the other ones but that doesn't matter becasuse ff7 is definately the best"

those people make me sick :mutter:
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Postby Chichiri » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:54 pm

Yes, I get very annoyed when people try to convince me that FF7 was handed down to us from God and it cures cancer all at once.

I will give one prop to FF7: I really enjoyed its music. Great stuff. I have the OST as well.
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Postby Nate » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:03 pm

oldphil wrote:And the fact that you have to level up 15 different characters (well, you only need a few, but I have to do all the side quests)...

You and me both. :lol: must have REALLY not liked Chrono Cross, considering that there's 42 playable characters in that.

That kinda bothers me about some RPGs...I don't like having too many characters. FFX kinda had that problem too, but at least you could swap 'em out in the middle of battle (a VERY handy feature).

For my feelings on eight...well, I already made a bitter thread about that one that I'd rather forget... :sweat:

FF7...this one I kinda have mixed feelings about. It was the first one I ever played...the first REAL one (I played Mystic Quest first, and it's strange that one didn't sour me to the Final Fantasy name). Anyway, so seven was really awesome. They had a character die, which was even more awesome, as death usually means so little in games/anime/comics/etc.

However, I HATED the Materia system. It took WAY too long to level up Materia. 650,000 AP to level up this Materia? Oh, and the most AP you're ever gonna get on the overworld map is 300 or so near Mideel. Even with triple growth, that's kinda more time than I want to invest in a game...or I could fight Magic Pots in the Northern Cave at 1,000 a piece, but still...

The esper system, at least the MOST fights you'd have to do to earn a spell was a hundred.

As for FFV...I never finished it. I can't figure out where to get the stupid Dragon Lances to fight Shinryu. EVERY guide/FAQ I see says you have to mug the Crystal Dragons in the N-Zone, but all I get is Megalixirs. And I have the same problems with the Job System that I do with the Materia system in 7. The Job System attained perfection in Tactics.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:35 am

The FF series rocks!! I've played all the FF games except 11, 3 (they better remake it soon, like they did for 1 and 2), Chronicles, and Tactics. Final Fantasy 7 is definitly my favorite. I loved all the characters, the materia system is my favorite magic system, and the story was dark and angsty!!! It was the first FF game I played all the way through. I never thought the Materia system took that long, I just kept all my most used materia (like elemental spells) constantly equiped and they leveled at a decent pace. I agree that it takes waaaaaay too much time to level everything up, but I usally didn't bother with the materia I didn't use too much.

After 7 my favorite is 8. I liked the graphics and cinemas, the character designs were cool, the battle system didn't annoye me too much, and I liked the love story. Eyes on Me is the coolest video game song ever!

for the rest of the games I think it goes...9, 5, 10-2, 10, 1, 4, 6, 2.

i whole-heartly agree, it was a good final fantasy and all, but everyones like "OMG ff7 is the best evern no doubt about it! I have't played any of the other ones but that doesn't matter becasuse ff7 is definately the best"

But it IS the best :sweat: Seriously though, that's actully the kind of attitude I get from a lot of FF 6 players (although they usally play more than just 6). I've been to message boards where saying you don't like 6 (or saying that you DON'T hate 8) will get you flamed into oblivion. I didn't like 6 because The cast of characters was too large and not everyone got enough character development for my liking, I didn't like the magic system (I think it takes longer than 7's), and the plot just didn't grab my attention and kept reminding me of Star Wars.

Strangely, I actully ended up liking Chrono Cross, although only on a replay game. The difference between CC and 6 is that in CC getting more characters is more like collecting pokemon, you don't really have to do it. And the fact that everyone levels up together helps.
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Postby Chichiri » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:08 am

I smell a fanboy =P

Yes, FF7 WAS angsty. You could put Sephiroth as the lead singer of Linkin Park and no one would be able to tell the difference.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:38 pm

I cant decide FF7 or FF8.

FF7 was like the best game ever,with bad graphics but it 1997 it was breathtaking.
I played Kingdom Hearts first so i was fimiliar with the characters since ive played and completed FF7 thru 10 and am seriously stuck on 5 and 6.

FF8 had the best storyline out of all of them.

FF7 had the best characters and battle system so I am having trouble deciding which is better

Maybe after watching FF7:AC and playing FF7:DoC ill like the storyline more.Remember this is all my opnion.
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Postby blkmage » Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:52 pm

List: 6, 1, 5, 7, 9, 8, 10, Mystic Quest, X-2.
I didn't play 2-4. I really should play IV sometime in the near future. I'm surprised no one picked IV, since it's considered one of the best ones, up there with VI and VII.

Okay, I kid. I don't think there's anything that can be worse than MQ.

But I think that sequels and spinoffs were the biggest mistakes Square could make. I don't think Square orignally created FF7 or FFX's stories with sequels in mind.

Now for the rationale. I think FFVI had the best set of characters and story out of all the FFs. Each character had a unique ability and they were all still able to use magic.

FF1 has the Black Mage. That's all. 8-bit pwntage.

FFV had the Job system. I LOVE the Job system. I think it's the greatest system ever.

FFVII I didn't like as much. The materia system gave you a lot of flexibility. Unfortunately, that means less uniqueness for the characters. That means that they all have the same abilities and they all pretty much have the same limit break which is just a big huge super MEGA ATTACK. Not as great as most people say it is.

FFIX had a wonderful story and an okay system. There's just something about it...

FFVIII had a good story and really good music. I just hated junctioning and drawing too much.

FFX I thought was pretty unique but no world map and the sphere grid made the game not good for me.

FFX-2's story sucked. Honestly, FFX's story ended when you finished the game. Totally unnecessary and this attempt to clone the job system is not good either. Icky.
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Postby Chichiri » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:12 pm

That was kinda my beef with FF7 as well. Someone could be a powerhouse mage while at the same time being a good attacker. I like class distinctions, not everyone being able to be a powerhouse.

I think some upper level spells should have reduced your attack and hp stats more. That would make them more "mage like" and it could have balanced characters more.
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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:25 pm

I dont know why you wouldnt put in crystal chronicles, it ranks as oe of the best in my mind, i was kind of hurt that you almost didnt put it in. any way it got second for me, i had to vote for ten just because it has alot to do with water and aquatic stuff and the storyline is quite engaging, crystal chronicles was a close second, and number nine was after that(just because it was my first final fantasy) btw you should have included kingdom hearts because it is considered a final fantasy by most adn an all time fav of mine.
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Postby blkmage » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:36 pm

I don't think there are many people who've played CC, and out of those, I don't think many have played it with four people.
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Postby Chichiri » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:44 pm

I played CC with one friend (only one I knew who was interested that had a GBA) and it wasn't that much fun really. The whole chalis thing really got annoying. The game could have been much better if you didnt have to carry around that stupid chalis.

It would probably be better with 4 people. but who knows.
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Postby RoyalWing » Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:19 pm

I voted Final Fantasy VII (no surprise) I played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy V, VIII and a really bit of X, but I did not finish any. I just left it at the end or in the middle because I was bored of them very much(sorry!!!).

Final Fantasy VII, I like dark drama storylines, because you need to find the hope for yourself. The small bit of light they give, you have to hold to it. I like the music very much, I am trying to find all the instrumental and piano songs... I am in love with Cloud's Theme/the main theme song, it's very fascinating for me to listen to. Sephiroth, Cloud Strife, Tifa Rockheart, Vincent Valentine, Zack,... I like these characters so much.

(but not Aeris Gainsborough. :sweat: )
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:34 pm

FF VIII is definately my fav....

The reason is simple: Everything is awsome but one tiny detail....

the draw/leveling system.... the game can range from the most difficult ever to a game even a five year old can beat.... this is due to enemies having an unlimited supply of magic, and the way that all monster's levels are based on squalls level.

I hope that square-enix will someday remake the game, with these two problems fixed.

Oh, and with fully orcastrated music.
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Postby Eskaflowne » Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:18 pm

FF7 has to have been one of the best FF games made. Minus the fact that those that followed it had better graphics. I loved the Materia equipping style that was used for magic and techs(EX: Mug).
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Postby Tommy » Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:47 pm

Usually games that follow in a series have better graphics with an exception to Dragon Ball Z Budokia.
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Postby Dai-go » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:30 pm

Tactics. Great extremely great and intertwining plot of two best friend torn apart and alot of uncovering false religion. Gameplay was Tactical, and got me into alot of Atlus's games surprisingly.
Looking forward to getting the remake and playing as Delita for some parts.

I got to play Tactics Advance, and I have it. I enjoyed the story, but the gameplay was so dumbed down from Tactics, that it felt oversimplified. Which was a necessity, I mean, it was aimed at kids with an especially cool storyline. So, the original won out. Tactics Advance is a close second.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:41 pm


Extreme gravedig. XD This thread hasn't seen the light of day since '05.
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Postby Dai-go » Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:04 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:Whoa.

Extreme gravedig. XD This thread hasn't seen the light of day since '05.

Yeah, it was under "posts like this" and I'm like?! Oh why not?
XD I didn't realize this was back in '05.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:28 pm

This thread probably doesn't need to be brought back, as this is hardly a new discussion. Future posters: please only post if you have something very important to say. Seriously.
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:49 pm

VII will always be my favorite. VII+Gypsy=BFF <3

(sorry, couldn't resist)
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Postby termyt » Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:37 am

7 will always be my favorite as well. It was the game that introduced me to RPG's - well RPG's that don't require dice, paper, and pencils anyways.

I've never played 6. I understand it's a great game, also, but I get a certain vibe from elitists that they choose 6 over 7 because the unwashed masses choose 7 and they are, of course, way to intelligent and sophisticated to like what everyone else does. I’m not saying that’s the only reason to choose 6 over 7, I’m just saying that’s the vibe I get in this kind of discussion. I hope to play it someday and judge for myself.

9 was interesting as well. Definitely harkened back to older FF’s and was starkly different from 7, 8, and 10. My favorite bit of FF9, if you took the time to beat Ozma (the Ultima Weapon of FF9) then the first boss you face in the Final Dungeon – I think he was optional as well – says “What? You beat Ozma? Well, too late to back out now.” Or something like that. Awesome.

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:00 am

I think I'm the only person on the planet that doesn't like Final Fantasy 7. I'm really interested in playing 9, though.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:20 am

[quote="termyt"]I've never played 6. I understand it's a great game, also, but I get a certain vibe from elitists that they choose 6 over 7 because the unwashed masses choose 7 and they are, of course, way to intelligent and sophisticated to like what everyone else does. I’]

Actually, I've been playing through VI recently for the first time, and it's really quite good. From an unbiased point of view, I would say that yes, so far, it's been a little more fun than VII was, and the characters seem to get more development, which is always good for me. Plus, it has that Chrono Trigger-y feel. XD From a biased point of view, though, I think that Square has milked VII for all it's worth and more, and I just get tired of it sometimes. XD Not to say that it's not a good game, but I just find that I don't think it's the be all, end all of RPGs.

As far as my favorite Final Fantasy is concerned, absolutely VIII. I love the characters, the story, the music, the Jucntion system, all of it. It was also my first Final Fantasy, so it has the upper hand with nostalgia, too. XD

Also, I just noticed the complete lack of interest in FFIV in this thread. XD That kind of surprises me. Though I never did complete it, I got pretty far in FFIV, and I loved it. It's one of the older games that I really enjoyed.
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Postby Lunis » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:25 pm

Final Fantasy IX - DEFINITELY my favorite. First of all, in order for a game to be good, in my opinion, the villain has to be likeable. A game feels incomplete to me if I don't like the villain. Being able to sympathize with him is an added bonus, I think. (Yes, HIM. I'm not into female villains.) Well, there's Kuja for you. But WAIT! Before everyone dismisses me as just a Kuja fangirl, FFIX is amazing ASIDE from Kuja, as well! It has probably the best style of any game I've ever seen. It's hard to explain, but for me personally, I like a pretty game. I have to admit, I haven't played much of FFVII (because I quit after the game corrupted my save file), but from what I've seen of it, it's dank, dark, and dirty. I prefer beautiful places and amazing adventures. Something less depressing. And I love the mix of sci-fi and medieval. It's just perfect. And the lightheartedness of the characters. The fact that they're not ALWAYS STRUGGLING THROUGH HOPELESS DEPRESSION. The soundtrack is, so far, also my favorite of any Final Fantasy. And I like most of the miniquests. That Chocobo Hot and Cold game is so addicting; I've played it for hours on end! I enjoyed the system as well. Pretty simple, and I actually had some fun equipping people and deciding what ability I should level for whom.

Final Fantasy VI - My first Final Fantasy game ever. I had this game before I even knew what Final Fantasy was. My uncle just happened to give us his SNES and the games he had with it, and BEHOLD! FFVI (well, III, actually, but we won't get into that)! I loved it. Kefka wins as a villain. Most of the main characters were likeable, as well. Terra was a bit of a whiner, but it didn't bug me too much. It took me a while before I liked Shadow. Mog and Umaro never really interrested me. Gogo is just plain USEFUL. Sabin, Gau, and Cyan together is HILARIOUS. Locke and Celes are sweet. Edgar's always been one of my favorites. Relm's interesting, but she and Strago are pretty useless in a fight. Face it, old man. You're a weak OLD MAN. Setzer's fun. And he has an airship. But yeah, Edgar, Sabin, Terra, Locke, Celes, and Gogo are pretty much the only ones I like to use in a fight. Anyway, the Esper system was great. No complaining here. The world wasn't as beautiful and interesting as I would like it ideally, but that's no real fault in programming. That's just the style. Besides, in the second half of the game, it got TORN TO PIECES. So, yeah. Anyway, I loved the little things you had to do besides flat-out fighting. Like Locke stealing people's clothes to go in disguise. XD That's awesome. Lots of good side-quests and optional bosses, too. Can't think of any I haven't completed. XD

Final Fantasy VII - Like I said, I haven't played it very far, but from what I've seen of it and spoilers and other games with the characters in it... Overrated. O.o I don't get it. Maybe I'm just sick of how overdone it is. Seriously, the mention of Sephiroth makes me want to bang my head on a wall sometimes. Poor guy. I bet he's a pretty okay villain himself, but he's gotten so much fanfare, that he's starting to be pretty annoying. Same for Cloud. So far, I've only gotten to the Shinra Tower for the first time, but my opinion on the characters so far are thus: Aeris is an annoying brat, Cloud is annoying for liking her but otherwise okay so far, Tifa is okay, Barret is annoying and is too angry and curses too much. I know I'm being a bit too judgemental for only having played the beginning of the game, but that's how I see it now. I like them all somewhat better from what I've seen in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, though. I guess I have to give them time and let them grow on me. I have little doubt that I'm still going to hate Aeris, though. And Cloud for being an emo whiner. He aggravated me in AC. As for the world, it's too dark and dirty for my tastes. And the graphics are crap. It's old, I know, but they still are. And the materia system annoys me a bit. Not my favorite. As a final note, let me mention that I loved Dirge of Cerberus. Vincent rocks.

Final Fantasy X - Mostly phail. Tidus is ANNOYING. Kimahri (sp?) is useless, and I don't use Lulu or Rikku much either. I do admit that the switching-characters-during-battle made me happy, though. Auron is basically the only character that I like a lot. Well, I kinda like Seymour, too, but he's not the best villain evar. Yuna is tolerable. As characters, Rikku, Lulu, and Kimahri are okay, as well. Wakka's abit annoying, but a good fighter. ... Stone-casting weapons, for the win. But did I mention this game is HARD?! I can't remember all the bosses I got stuck at! In fact, I'm STILL stuck on Yunalesca! The leveling system annoys me a bit... And Blitzball loses SO BAD. I've never won a single game. In fact, I don't think I've ever scored at all. The storyline isn't all that fantastic, either. WAY too much confusion about what's what and what we should do. Let's all just wander around aimlessly, for all the we can get decided. And the romance. Yuck. Romance-oriented games fail. Or at least this one does. I haven't played many others like that, but I never have been into the lovey-dovey stuff. Meh, definitely, not my favorite Final Fantasy. The graphics were good, though.

Final Fantasy VIII - Never played it. But you know what I said about female villains? Yeah. I have the feeling I'd like Seifer, though... But the whole romance-based storyline? No. No. I'm not a romance storyline person. Give me save-the-world, plz. That's partly why FFX phailed. And from what I've heard, Squall is depressed and emo. Tired of that. Very much.

Final Fantasy V (on Gameboy Advance) - Not all that interesting, actually, but for some reason, I played it for a while. Got up the the next world, got in a submarine and now have NO IDEA WERE TO GO. Heelp meee! I've quit that game ever since I got stuck wondering where to go. For some reason, it seems like the game didn't have enough character developement, as well. *shrugs* On another note, handheld platforms usually make me enjoy that game less. I don't know why. The job system was...okay, I guess. Let me mention how much I hate how hard it is to revive someone, though.

Final Fantasy III (on Nintendo DS) - I got bored before the first real dungeon. ^^; Handheld game. Lost interest. It seemed I had to level up too much to be able to survive on that stupid mountain. I like being able to level up while CONTINUING the storyline. Not having to stay in a stupid forest, walking around, looking for random monsters.

Mystic Quest - My first RPG ever. First one to beat, as well. (To explain what I said about FFVI being my first, I don't really count this one as part of the Final Fantasy's.) I'm not really sure why everyone is so down on it. Maybe it's my nostalgia that keeps me from disliking it. I have tried to play this semi-recently and found that it was a little bland. Nothing to rant about, though. I still like the soundtrack a lot. I should really play this game again sometime...

Final Fantasy XII - I have to mention this game a little. I rented it from Blockbuster for a few days, but only got to play for a few hours. So basically, I've done nothing. But from what little I've seen, it has irritated me a bit. I keep getting the un-ignorable vibe of Star Wars. Do not want. If I wanted a Star Wars game, I would get a Star Wars game. Don't mix Star Wars with Final Fantasy. Those big ships shooting lazerbeams, the fat, ugly alien-looking people... All that and more just reminded me of Star Wars. And then in the beginng, just when the character you're playing is starting to grow on you, everyone gets killed off! Sigh. Oh, and the ability system looks like it's going to annoy me. Oh, oh, and the British accents! Don't make me cry! All the bad soldiers had icky British accents! Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate ALL British accents... It just takes the right accent with the right character for me to like it. Mostly, I think British accents are overdone. Which is what I think in this case. So anyway, I need to rent this game again and hope it'll be better than how it started out.

And that's all of the Final Fantasy's I've played or know anything about.
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