my macross world

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my macross world

Postby kaibrightwing » Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:20 pm

In September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched, with an escort fleet of Zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad-class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degree to the right of the southern star. On mission two objection to search for a planet to colonize and to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like and see if the Zentraedi have any fleets out there. On July 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the Elm system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was called Karla.

Elm system:

Distance from Earth: 150lightyears (25hours)
Distance from the sun: 93 million miles (1 astral unit)
Equatorial diameter: 11,253 kilometers
Length of day: 23.98 hours
Length of year: 365.98 days
Number of moons: 1 moon, 1 orbiting asteroid
Gravity: 1.0 Earth standard
Atmosphere conditions Earth standard
Population: 5.5 million

Elm prime being were it is wasn’t surprising to the sciencist, but with the asteroid orbiting the planet. Being heavy in vegetate, and the oceans were full of aquatic life and fertile lands for farming Elm prime was an excellent choice planet to set up a home.

Other planets in the system:

Elm I:
Is hot and rocky, it’s the closest planet to the sun. With temperance reaching on the planet that no human can get close to the planet.

Elm II:
It is the closet to Venus in the earth system it has one moon that is like earth’s moon.

Elm prime:
Third planet of the system it’s like earth but mostly of the planets equator area is covered with heavy jungle and with other spots of the planet is like earth. It has one moon and an orbiting asteroid that is a space dock.

Blue gaze:
Bluegaze is the fourth planet and is a world of water eighty percent of the surface is water. There are two small fishing colonies and a small research lab. It has one moon called chono.

Yugi asteroid belt:
This asteroid belt is what divides the inner and outer planets. With the size of the asteroids being as small as a fighter and as big as a warship. So ships don’t enter the asteroid belt. But most fighters and bombers can enter it easily, so there are many portals that enter the asteroid belt in search of any unknowns and trouble.

Elm major:
Is the largest gas giant in the system. Being that of Jupiter’s size with thirteen moons one of them as small as earth with heavy woods covering seventy percent of the moon’s land mass. It rains ninety percent of the time on the moon.

Elm minor:
The second largest gas giant in the system it’s the size of Saturn with it’s debris ring and it’s eleven moons one having a small mining colony on it.

Oak weed:
The seventh planet is a grayish-blue planet with two moons one having a small mining colony on it.

Glazer 1:
Is the eighth planet. It is a planet the size of earth but it is a planet of ice. With no moons and a ventricle debris ring.

The last planet in the system. It’s small with no life, no atmosphere, and no moons. The only thing on this planet is a small listening post with an hpyerspace relay station.

Cities and towns of Elm prime
New Reno
Neo Vegas


UN Spacy shipyard oceanic headquarter
UN Spacy asteroid space dock
UNAF fallon air base


New Boston colony
New Hamptiser colony
Atlantis research lab

Elm minor
Digger’s town mining colony (moon)

Canyon town mining colony (moon)
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:32 am

Sounds like an interesting start. :thumb:
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Postby kaibrightwing » Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:24 pm

its stat for a macross rpg that my friends and i been playing for five years.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:09 pm

5 years?! Geez! most of my campaigns last for a month at most, (they aren't Macross though). Kudos to you! :thumb:
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Postby kaibrightwing » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:42 pm

for five years once a week and every month.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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Postby SenseiPenPen » Thu Oct 02, 2003 3:13 pm

Five years... Wow. My group's Robotech campaign lasted... Oh, about half an hour. I was the only one willing to GM, and, for some reason, they objected to odds like those portrayed in the series.

If Roy Fokker or Scott Bernard can take on hundreds of mecha at once..... *shrug* ^_^
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Postby kaibrightwing » Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:46 pm

First rule in role-playing a game is let the plays run the game and let them selfs get in to trouble and let them get out of it on there own.
I n September of 2012 Megaroad-01 was launched with an escort of fleet of zentraedi warships. From that point on the mass-production of the Megaroad -class colony ship began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from earth solar system at a rate of 1-2 per year.
In September of 2022 Megaroad-19 colony ship with it’s escort fleet left earth and headed south fifteen degrees to the right of the southern star. On a mission with three objection; One to search for a planet to colonize, two to see what the rim of the galaxy looks like, three to see if any zentraedi fleets are out there. On July 21, 2025 Megaroad-19 entered its ninth star system and named it the sierra system.
Orbiting the third planet is an asteroid that was some ten miles in size, and a moon that was named Karla.
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