well, let's dissect that for a second, you have a sword fighter, pretty much limited to sword use aside from very basic punches, kicks, etc..then you have a martial artist that uses only hand to hand fighting techniques, which means the in essence the entire body can be used as a weapon, then on the other hand you have a sword with a blade that is made from metal, and the martial artist is nothing but flesh, bone, and whatever clothing is being worn, so i'd have to say that the skill level in itself is more a detemining factor than just the sword vs. hand thing
As for that devotion i was talking about.....
This devotion is taken from the book
Devotions By Dead People by Lynn Lusby Pratt
Purple Heart
Here lies Joshua, victorious commander of Israel
The Body:
Bushido. The way of the warrior.
Bushido was the code of conduct followed by the samurai of old Japan. Samurai were to have courage, truth, honor, loyalty.
When the Lord commissioned Joshua to take over for Moses, he gave Joshua a code to live by. It makes me think of bushido.
"Be strong and very courageous.....Meditate on [my law] day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.....Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you" (Joshua 1:7-9 NIV)
It's all there: courage, truth, honor, loyalty.
Samurai were under their
Daimyo or feudal lords. The outstanding Daimyo became
Shogun, the leader of Japan's military. The spiritual head of the Shogun was the Emperor himself, called the heavenly ruler, descendant of eht sun goddes Amaterasu.
Joshua was under.....
Joshua was leading his troops to capture Jericho (in the famous event that brought the city walls down in Joshua 6). Near Jericho he had a briefing with his commander. What's strange is the Joshua didn't have a commander!
Nevertheless, a "man" with a drawn sword appeared, some biblical scholars think it may have been Michael the archangel. Others think it was an appearance of Jesus Himself-long before he came to earth as a baby. The commander told Joshua that he was on holy ground (Joshua 5:13-15). I think he was reminding Joshua that it wass God's battle, that God was present, that Joshua was meerly God's agent.
Joshua got it. Joshua, human commander of the Lord's army, had many victories. They're recorded in the book of Joshua. Joshua was victorious because he followed the code God gave him. Joshua was Shogun. The Japanese samurai warriors with their bushido make a fascinating study. But at the top of the ranks of samurai, daimyo, and shogun there is only the mythical sun-goddess. Joshua-do, the way of Joshua, is superior:
Living with courage in the Lord's presence.
Following the way of God's Law.
Honor, Pride, Purpose.
And Loyalty to the true rule of Heaven, The Lord Almighty