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Postby PrincessZelda » Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:04 pm

Whoa, lots of questions!
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Postby Nate » Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:49 pm

1. I'm not quite sure.
2. 7:26 PM.
3. Yes.
4. Hmm...difficult to say. There was quite a few cool things. Probably the fact that one of the people in my church's youth group won a $13,000 scholarship to Liberty.
5. Why don't I? Yes, I did. In fact, I've missed you for a while.
6. Chatting on YIM with Chris.
7. A little.
8. Because very few people sit around and think up fifty questions.
9. I don't have one, but there must be one since I've also seen a 500 question quiz.
10. I'm quite sure, and I don't mind.
11. Whether I think you should, doesn't matter or not, since you've already done it.
12. Because I don't mind answering questions.
13. Not really.
14. I don't know. Quite a bit, I'm sure.
15. Yes.
16. Yes, I have.
17. Megaman X8.
18. Yes, many times.
19. Nope.
20. Nope.
21. Probably not.
22. I still have to talk to Hope online later, so I'd kinda like to be able to type then.
23. There isn't any reason better than that one.
24. theaters or just movies? I will assume you didn't limit it to theaters, and say that it was Return of the King extended edition.
25. Yes, it was VERY good.
26. Gandalf riding up to Saruman's tower and confronting him.
27. Not really.
28. Maybe a little.
29. Most people wouldn't bother with this many questions.
30. Yes, I rarely second-guess myself.
31. Could be.
32. Yes.
33. Yes.
34. Questions...making head hurt... ;)
35. Nah.
36. Then I will keep going.
37. Perhaps.
38. Many people in today's society go to seek professional help for no good reason, really.
39. Actually, no, that was in fact Denis Leary's reason that I gave, which is actually quite amusing when you hear the whole bit.
40. Quite sure.
41. In what way? By answering the questions? Since this thread is here for the sole purpose of answering questions given to me, I can do no less than what I have stated, therefore doing my duty is not quite being nice.
42. Yes.
43. It makes for a better society.
44. Not really, no.
45. yes.
46. Because then I can post elsewhere.
47. Nope.
48. Yep.
49. Not really...other than do your best. :thumb:
50. 7:48 PM

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Postby Ingemar » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:33 pm

RoyalWing wrote:Image

I don't like alcohol drinks at all !(they taste so bitter..) I will keep my cream soda pop. ^v^

I find wine a bit pleasant (oddly, I like Manischewitz cherry wine), but I hate beer. I've had four nationalities of beer (American, Canadian, Japanese and Dutch). I'm sorry, but beer sucks.

You're not fat, Hammerite...dah, I mean, Kaemmerite. 5'9 and 220 (last I checked)-- YEAH BABY!
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:53 pm

I have since lost a little weight. But now that I am on this anagram obsession, here are some of your name:

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