Trigun-angle of Love: Fangirl Madness

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Trigun-angle of Love: Fangirl Madness

Postby Golden_Griff » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:48 pm

Sorry, I couldn't think of a better title ^_^;;. This is just an extended version of a Griff Goof Off moment anyway. So don't expect a best-seller.

Okay the first few parts were cut and pasted from another thread.
Lunis and AngelSakura took the liberty of moving the story along, so I'll post some excerpts of things that they have written as well ^_^ This is where it begins:

Trigun-angle of Love Part I (written by G_G) wrote:Griff: Knives, I misjudged you. You can be a cool guy...when you want to

Knives: I'm glad you finally see things my way Miss Griff--

Griff: Oh, Griff is fine. Miss Griff is fine too

Legato: ...

Knives: Here have a seat *pulls out a chair for Griff*

Griff: My goodness...thank you ^_^

Legato: ... T_T

Knives: I got some tea brewing on the stove. Care for a cup?

Griff: Oh no I'm fine--well, yeah I'll take some (wow, so hospitable)

Legato: grrrr....

*Knives walks into the kitchen to retrieve the tea and walks back in*

Knives: And...*pours tea* there we go!

Griff: *takes a sip* Wow, this is delicious! Did you brew this yourself?--

Knives: I most certainly did ^_^ Learned the recipe from Rem. That's one remarkable woman.

Griff: But, you...uh...

Knives: Oh Griff, that's just television In reality, I love her like a sister.

Griff: My gosh, you're quite the gentleman!

Legato: grrrr....(Knives! If you ever...)

*Lunis walks in*

Lunis: Okay Knives! It's time to take you around CAA so I can brag about what a bishie you--


Lunis: Good heavens! 0_0 *walks quickly back*

Legato: No! Griff! *sniffle* This can't be happening! Who will claim me now?! Knives! I'll get you for taking her from me!! *transforms into chibi-Legato and runs to his room*

Narrator: Legato's heart has been broken, thanks to the charms of Knives. Will Griff ever turn back to him, to care for Legato as her adopted bishounen? Or will Griff forever direct her full attention on Knives? What will Lunis do next? Stay tune for another episode of...


I'll have to add more later when I have time. But do what the narrator says: STAY TUNED!
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Postby Golden_Griff » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:54 pm

Okay, I wrote my part of this last night before I went to bed. I snipped some of what you wrote Lunis. I hope you're not mad :sweat: Don't worry Angel. I got you in the story too ^_^ I hate to end it where I did but, I have some other business ^_^;; So catch ya'll later!

Trigun-angle of Love, Part II (written by Lunis & Griff) wrote:Lunis: *wants Knives back* *sees chibi Legato run to his room* *lightbulb!* *thinks to herself* Hey, I really like Legato, too. I could give Griff a while with Knives. I'll take him back later. ... *gives one last sad look at Knives and runs off to get Legato* ^_^

Legato: *in his room with the door shut*

Lunis: *knock knock* Legato.

Legato: Please leave me alone.

Lunis: Aw, come on. ...I have a hotdog for you.

Legato: *slowly opens the door*

Lunis: Aww Legato. What's wrong?

Legato: *sniff* First it was that dumb radioactive squirrel and now this! *sniff* Knives took Griff away from me! *sniff* She took me in, even though I was a psychotic murderer.

Lunis: A good looking psychotic murderer at that :)

Legato: *sniff* I bet she wouldn't even care about me at all if it weren't for that.

Lunis: Aww Legato. It's more than your golden eyes and your blue hair that falls in your face on one side. It's the way you carry yourself: calm, cool, and collective :cool: How you always speak in that same smooth voice no matter what motion you're feeling (if you're feeling anything at all). You're not like those other bad guys--you're not creepy and annoying like them.

Legato: *sniff* You really think that way of me Lunis?

Lunis: Well, yes I do Legato. I think that deep down, you can be a good person, no matter what Nightow made you to be. I know you can be a good--and sometimes funny-- person. I read doujinshi! :)

Legato: ^_^

Lunis: ^_^
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Postby R. Zion » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:06 pm

Hmmm....interesting. What does a guy have to do to get a part on this show?
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Postby Lunis » Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:37 pm

Hahahaha! Cool, I'm part of a story now!

Hey, you wrote that last part better than I did! Good job! :thumb: I wish I was as creative as you are.
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Trigun-angle of Love, Part III

Postby Golden_Griff » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:50 pm

R. Zion wrote:Hmmm....interesting. What does a guy have to do to get a part on this show?

You can be an extra :P

Lunis wrote:Hey, you wrote that last part better than I did! Good job! I wish I was as creative as you are.

Aww gee, thanks Lunis ^_^ But I'm not exactly a writer]Narrator: Back at...uh...some place other than Legato's room, Vash watches Wolfwood as he is pacing across the room. [/I]

Wolfwood: I can't believe this. T_T We haven't been married for a good two weeks yet and Angel is already talking to other bishounen. T_T

Vash: Relax Nick. Angel is just trying to console Legato. She doesn't mean anything by it. She just don't want him to be sad, seeing how heartbroken he is.

Wolfwood: Well what about me? WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS?? T_T

Vash: Dude, you don't have needs! :lol:

Wolfwood: Yes I do! *starts to frantically search around the room* And their called Marlboros! :drool:

Vash: Ah, come on Nick! Don't!--you promised Angel! :(

Wolfwood: Promises get broken Vash! * finally finds a pack of cigarettes and pops one in his mouth. Now he frantically searches for a lighter* Fire, I need fire!

(Having checked up on Legato, Angel walks in and sees Wolfwood with the cigarettes.)

Angel: Nick! What are you doing?

R.Zion:*jumps on stage* He's having a Nick-fit ;) *hats* Ha ha! Goodnight! *exits*

Wolfwood: What am I doing?! What are YOU doing!! talking to Legato!!

Angel: Oh relax, I'm just trying to give him some encouragement. T_T I can't sit around acting like I don't care about what's happening--

Wolfwood: Well you don't, do you?! Because you shouldn't! You're married to me, not him! :shady:

Angel: Nicholas Wolfwood you're being out-right ridiculous! :shady:


Vash: Angel, don't listen to him. It's the nicotine talking (or rather the lack of it...) :(

Wolfwood: Hey! No one asked for your opinion blondie! T_T

Angel: That's it! I want you out of here until you learn to have some respect!

Nick: FINE BY ME! *storms out of the house and slams the door*

Vash: Ohhh! Everyone's gone bonkers!

Angel: Oh Vash! Nick and I have never argued like that before! Why now? :sniffle:*The phone rings. Angel answers it* Hello?

Midvalley: Heeeyyy, Angel? Hi, how--

Angel: LEAVE ME ALONE!! *slams receiver*

Midvalley: Uh...Angel? (dial tone) Heh. *hangs up* (to Wolfwood) Sorry bud, she's not willing to talk. I guess you'll have to crash here at my place tonight.

Narrator: Oh boy, things are getting worse at the Trigun Picture Thread. First, Legato gets his heartbroken by Griff. Now Angel and Wolfwood's big argument. Could things get any worse? And who was that R.Zion guy? Will he be back with more jokes? Only one way to find out: stay tuned for another episode of:

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Postby R. Zion » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:22 pm

So I'm like the angel in It's A Wonderful life? I see everyone, but you don't see me and I appear and disappear at random with witty comments. :(

I think I'm gonna like this! :grin:

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Postby Ssjjvash » Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:13 pm

*is kinda speechless*
Is anyone else gonna write stuff down also? Hm, I think I'll just read on 'til I come up with something. Funny stuff! *applauds R. Zion*
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
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Postby AngelSakura » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:05 pm

AIEEEEEEEEEE!! You already had me kick him out?! Oh well, suppose it can't be helped. -_- And for the record, I never had him promise to stop smoking... ^^;;;
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Postby Golden_Griff » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:14 pm

Ssjjvash wrote:*is kinda speechless*
Is anyone else gonna write stuff down also? Hm, I think I'll just read on 'til I come up with something. Funny stuff! *applauds R. Zion*

Well, I'm the main author of this little shing-ding here but Lunis and AngelSakura decided to add a little bit to the conflict as well. I didn't want to just ignore what they wrote so I added their comments in too (Angel's direct comment was left out but I still worked it into the plot). Anyway, thanks for your feedback :)

AngelSakura wrote:AIEEEEEEEEEE!! You already had me kick him out?! Oh well, suppose it can't be helped. -_-

Hey lady! It's not easy being a writer! I can't make this too long! :shady: No seriously, I can't :eh: I don't have the capabilities to make a story that good :sweat:

[quote="AngelSakura"]And for the record, I never had him promise to stop smoking... ^^]

Oh really?...<_<...>_>...*whispers* Well let's just pretend that he did ;)

Blooming. I just realized that I haven't written the next part :hits_self Oh well, you'll have to wait I guess! :sweat:
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Postby Ssjjvash » Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:13 pm

<<Well, I'm the main author of this little shing-ding here but Lunis and AngelSakura decided to add a little bit to the conflict as well. I didn't want to just ignore what they wrote so I added their comments in too (Angel's direct comment was left out but I still worked it into the plot). Anyway, thanks for your feedback>>

Not a prob.! and you are most welcome. ^_^
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

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Postby AngelSakura » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:32 am

AngelSakura: What am I gonna do?!
Vash: Calm down, Angel-chan, I'm sure--
AngelSakura: T_T Don't you call me Angel-chan. HE calls me that.
Vash: Okaaay then. What are we gonna do now? We can't just leave you here alone all--
AngelSakura: *sniffle*
Vash: Uh-oh. No, don't cry, Angel! Starting to cry is not what I had in mind!
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After an unnecessarily long wait...

Postby Golden_Griff » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:30 pm

...Griff has come back to finish what she started. *gets slapped around by people who've been waiting for the rest of the story--all two of them* ^^;;

Anyway, enough talking! Let's get this resolved! ^_^

ctgirl: Yay! Vash! We're the only ones not mad at each other! ^_^

Vash: Yeah, but it hurts to see everyone else hurt :(

ctgirl: Cheer up Vash! Things will get better! It'll all be a happy ending! ^_^ *gives Vash a donut and glomps him*

Vash: ctgirl, you brighten my day ^_^ *glomps back*

ctgirl: Aww, my Vashy! ^_^

Vash: My...ctgirl ^_^;;

Narrator: Ugh, let's get on with it already! T_T

PART FOUR (I think...)

(Lunis and Legato are sitting on the patio having a little chat when Griff and Knives appears on the scene. Griff's arm is wrapped around Knives' arm as he completes a joke.)

Knives: And so next thing you know, it's this guy coming around the corner telling a joke to his group of friends, and they all start laughing hysterically! ^_^

Griff: (laughs hysterically) Wow Knives, you're a funny guy! ^_^

Legato: :shady:....Griff.

Lunis: Knives T_T

Griff: Oh hey, uh...Linus and Roboto ^_^

Knives: Griff, I'm afraid you mean Lunis and Legato--

Griff: --Lunis and Legato, yeah that's what I meant to say :sweat: Gosh Knives, you're making me forget stuff!

Legato: T_T grrr .....

Knives: (let's out a polite laugh) Oh, good heavens, I nearly forgot what I was going to ask you :stressed: *ahem* I decided to have a nice dinner for us all here at the CAA mansion tonight. You two are more than welcome to come ^_^

Griff: You don't have to dress up or anything. Knives is going to serve cheesecake too! ;)

Knives: Rem's recipe :angel:...

Lunis: Well...sure, why not? ^_^

Legato: ....

Knives: Splendid! I'll meet you there! ^_^

Griff: Awesome! It's going to be fun! ^_^ Come on Knives, let's go play some more Mario Kart DD ^_^

Knives: Griff, you're going to make me an addict before I realize it ^_^

(Griff and Knives exit, Griff's arm still in Knives')

Lunis: Alright! A dinner party! Legato, it's going to be funtastic! ^_^

Legato:...whatever (-_-)...

Lunis: Ah come on Legato, this is just a phase of Griff's....I guess...--but we shouldn't cut off all communication should we? I mean, we're all still friends here right?

Legato: easy for you to say T_T...

Lunis: Let's not let what happened make us bitter. Socialization with one another would do us some good ^_^ --

Legato: --I'm not going (-_-)

RZion: I'm sorry, what did he say? o_0

Lunis: Legato?!...A dinner party?! A DIN-NER par-ty???

Legato: I'm not going I said (-_-)

Lunis: Please Legato! Don't do this! You can't let this situation make you miserable!

Legato: Going to that dumb party is going to make it worse. Knives, sitting there...practically taunting me...Griff laughing at his jokes...Angel and Nick, ctgirl and Vash, blabbling about how they're so much in love with each other...everyone else is going to be happy except me (-_-)

Lunis: You know what, I think we're both making the situation bigger than it really is. It's like I said in the beginning, I bet Knives have some evil scheme, trying to get Griff in some sort of trap--LEGATO! That's it! The dinner party! Whatever Knives is up to, he's going to make it happen at the dinner party! He's going to make Griff look like a fool! He may even get her banned or something! Legato, we can't let him ruin things! T_T know what...I think you're right! :o (jumps up from his seat) KNIVES! I won't let you get away with it!...gosh, that sounds so un-villain like :eh:...

Lunis: Come on Legato, we have some planning to do! T_T

Narrator: Um...stay tuned for another Griff Goof Off Moment? :sweat: *too lazy to write some catchy conclusion*

TO BE CONTINUED (I promise!)
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Postby R. Zion » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:58 pm

R. Zion: :sweat: Oops, double post. Nothing to see here. Move along! Move along!
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Postby R. Zion » Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:59 pm

R. Zion: :eh: Wha? Did I just pop out of the porch floorboards?

R. Dorothy: You do have a habit of doing that, Zion. -_-

R. Zion: Grrr.....Dorothy, you traitor. :shady: Robin-chan, help defend me!

Robin Sena: Zion... *stands there dramatically, silently in standard Noir fashion*

R. Zion: :eh: :mutter: MISAO, HELP ME!

Misao: Oh give it a rest and leave them alone! :shake: SUPER BIRD KICK! :comp:

R. Zion: *goes flying into the next act and disappears in a star flash*

Misao: Now that he's outa here... Good post, Griff! Boy Howdy. :thumb:

R. Dorothy: You are such a kook, R. Zion :shake:
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Postby AngelSakura » Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:15 pm

Vash: Look, Angel, it's okay, I'll just stay here tonight, I guess, so you're safe...
C.t.,girl: *taps her foot*
Vash: And of course my darling will stay too. ^^;;
Angel: *sniffles miserably* But...this'll be the first night I've spent with out him since we got married! And, and...I don't care if you smoke! Nicholas! *starts crying again*
Vash: Does that mean you aren't mad at him?
Angel: Of course I'm not mad at him! How can I be mad at that face?
Vash: Then do you wanna call him and apologize?
Angel: I can't do that! I'm mad at him! *cries some more*
Vash: I don't understand women...
C.t.,girl: It's the principle of the thing.
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Postby Lunis » Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:19 pm

Griff wrote:...Griff has come back to finish what she started. *gets slapped around by people who've been waiting for the rest of the story--all two of them* ^^] Lol!

Griff wrote:Knives: And so next thing you know, it's this guy coming around the corner telling a joke to his group of friends, and they all start laughing hysterically! ^_^
*laughs hysterically as well* :lol: That was seriously funny! XD No wait, it wasn't seriously funny... 'cause then it wouldn't be funny. But you know what I mean.

Ahh, that was possibly my favorite chapter so far. ^_^ And I love the way you portray us. I wish I was as cool as you wrote me. :P Now to foil Knives' plans! Can't wait to read more... though I'll probably have to. o.O;
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Postby Golden_Griff » Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:51 pm

R. Zion wrote:R. Zion: Wha? Did I just pop out of the porch floorboards?

R. Dorothy: You do have a habit of doing that, Zion. -_-

R. Zion: Grrr.....Dorothy, you traitor. Robin-chan, help defend me!

Robin Sena: Zion... *stands there dramatically, silently in standard Noir fashion*


Misao: Oh give it a rest and leave them alone! SUPER BIRD KICK!

R. Zion: *goes flying into the next act and disappears in a star flash*

Misao: Now that he's outa here... Good post, Griff! Boy Howdy.

R. Dorothy: You are such a kook, R. Zion

Random Guy: ...What kinda show is this? :stressed: *turns channel to Matlock*

[quote="AngelSakura"]Vash: Look, Angel, it's okay, I'll just stay here tonight, I guess, so you're safe...
C.t.,girl: *taps her foot*
Vash: And of course my darling will stay too. ^^]

Ah, more vegetables for the soup :grin: (isn't that what they say? :stressed: )
[martha stewart]'s a good thing[/martha stewart]

0_0 *Griff just got an idea to make things more interesting* :evil:

[quote="Lunis"]Ahh, that was possibly my favorite chapter so far. ^_^ And I love the way you portray us. I wish I was as cool as you wrote me. Now to foil Knives' plans! Can't wait to read more... though I'll probably have to. o.O]

Oh wow, thanks Lunis! I'm glad that you like it. It let's me know that I'm not getting lame in my writing :sweat:

Now, what should I write for part 5 ? *thinking*....
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Postby Ssjjvash » Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:03 am

BWA-HA-HA!! *laughs so loud that her family gets irritated*

the Vashage: Sorry, but...but...*cracks up again* This is...just...too...FUNNY!! *more laughing follows*
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

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Postby R. Zion » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:55 am

Golden_Griff wrote:Random Guy: ...What kinda show is this? :stressed: *turns channel to Matlock*

Abe Simpson: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatloooooooooooooooooock!
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Please don't be mad!

Postby Golden_Griff » Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:02 pm

Whoa, it's been two months since the last chapter! :eh: But I promise you guys I'm going to complete this! :waah!: Well...that is...if anyone cares enough to read this :eh: Please don't be mad! :waah!:

Gosh, I really didnt mean for this to get as big as it has :stressed: I guess that's the price I pay for having such a bizarre imagination :sweat:


*can't help but ask*


...what do you guys think of my story so far? :stressed:


If it entertains you, tell me. If you feel neutral, tell me. If you think I'm horrible as a writer, tell me. If you think I horrible as a person, tell me.

I want your honest opinions! Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings!
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Postby Ssjjvash » Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:50 pm

No way do I think this is bad! If you've read my posts, you can clearly see that this is hilarious and I enjoy it. I really really honestly truly do!! Honest!

Okay, I'll stop repeating myself, but I understand that ya get busy doin other things, posting on other threads...yada, yada...stuff. Cause I've done it too. :P

I want you to keep going! But whatever you decide to do will work. ^^
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

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Postby AngelSakura » Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:54 pm

I have previously told you my opinion on the subject, and I stand by it now. Please, finish it when you have the time.
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