Through guided veils of hidden dreams and broken fears this heart does scream out,
Smoke of ever-lasting nightmares in the paths of life do walk,
The cries of those before warn of the fog to break through the wings of shadow,
Tho i do not scream, call out to hear the voice hidden amongst the silver seas of never-ending faces upon the crowd,
Don't let life be lost among broken fears and hidden dreams that float and fly over fields of shattered sky torn in shades of amber tears,
Inside the grey clouds of yesterday resides this heart, misplaced among the noise of falling down and laying among the fallen leaves of hidden dreams and broken fears,
Yet the passing sun does grow bright and heavy with dying cries of vain cast shadows upon this heart of repetitious tradition,
Let thine words be made whole and footsteps upon betrayed mists of meaningless tread elsware,
But this heart will escape broken fears and hidden dreams of fog and skies below the ripples of displeasing contempt and unwanted layers of scars uncovered from beneath shedded skin of appearances.