muahaha!!! We know Madeline's secret now! She will never hear the end of it! Right, well thanks for making it a tie C'mon someone else vote yES. YOU WILL VOTE YES!
NOOOO! YOU SHALL NOT TELL THE WORLD! >O< *prepares to smack her with naginata*
2 minutes later
*does a google search* Oh, wait, the world knows already ^^;;; Stupid internet!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *chases new rivals around*
Mine? Mine? *bobs head* Mine???? *looks oddly like a Finding Nemo seagull*
O_O....... o_o ......... ........... mine?
So, is there something in the water where you live, HOS, that makes you so crazy? He's not yours.
Oh boy, here we go again... And then Inuyasha will once again be forced to wear a tutu...o_O Okay, that was unrelated but equally scary XD
Heh, my friend saw one of my Kenshin mangas and said "She's hot" (refering to Kenshin) o_O
I personally think he's too pretty. Couldn't the creater (What's his name?) drawn him... manlier? =|
Yep, I know, LOL
My mom saw the pic from Samurai X of Battousai and Tomoe and she said, "Oh look! It's a mommy and her baby! ^_^ Oh, eww, they've got blood all over them...>"< Nope I don't want that pic for my siggy..."
Me: Okie dokie then...*says nothing*