
For all the music-lovers out there, this is your place to swap lyrics, talk about new bands and jazz about concerts. All things related to the audio world belong here.


Postby Kkun » Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:50 pm

I made a post about this when mewithoutYou's second CD, Catch For Us The Foxes, was just released last month and only one or two people responded, so I wanted to try again. Does no one here aside from me like MWY? They are just one amazing band. A->B Life is an incredible CD and Catch For Us The Foxes is just flat out amazing. I cannot say enough good things about this band. The lyrics are "Christian" but without being trite or cheesy and they are very, very powerful. They are like reading a page out of the lead singer's diary. So...does anyone else like mewithoutYou?
I'm a shoe-in for hater of the year.
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