games theives

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games theives

Postby lain » Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:59 am

I need some advice. Recently I have had two of my games come up missing. One is xenogears and the other is xenosaga. Also both of my stratagy guides for these games are missing. This happened within a week. Should I try to tear my house apart searching for them or should I just go out and buy them back and then lock them up.
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Postby LorentzForce » Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:04 am

umm, if you lost them, the first option is always to sit down and calm down. then _think_ where you placed it. unless someone took it, you should know where it is. give it some sleep and maybe some tea.. and if you still can't find it, start searching the entire house where the game could have been placed.

and if you can't find it, then it's either stolen or you really lost it. then you can either just live without it or if you're desperate, then get another copy. getting another copy however is the last thing you should do. because who knows, maybe it'll turn up the next day and you can't get a refund on the second ones.
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