Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:22 pm
If I may have everyone's attention.
Pardon me, but for the moment I am going to take over this thread. I have completed the script for the first issue (though I would appreciate time to properly edit it). It will be thirty six pages total, though possibly more, because if I erred in any respect it was attempting to place too much action on each page.
It strikes me that our project will be taken much more seriously (by CAA and other artists), as well as have more clarity (pun ever so intended) if we have the first issue completed. Therefore, I am temporarily asking that all artists involved refocus on what is necessary to complete the first issue. After that, we can finish working with the rest of the character designs, as there is no need to begin on the second issue and beyond for some time.
Here is what must be at least addressed prior to issue #1 (basically everything to at least some degree):
Hisharo Character Design (it will probably be exotic, so we should have it set up)
Jill Thomas Character Design (can vary later)
Nanny Character Design (can vary later)
Bill Randy Character Design (can vary later)
Sutherland Character Design (should be basically set)
James Granger Character Design (he appears rarely)
Emily Vassey Character Design (she appears rarely)
Chip Colburn Character Design (only one panel)
Ray Chico Character Design (only one panel)
Nikki Lyric Character Design (should be basically complete)
Clarity Design (just a wee bit important)
Three Extremely Vague Villain Designs (gotta love dimly lit scenes)
Aliens (they should look moderately human. They should have grey skin, which should look unearthly, not African-American)
That is a fair amount, but I think it is basically doable without an excessive amount of labor, provided that we can determine acceptable character designs. Now, however, let me address another issue, one of general plotting.
Our first issue is good, in that it sets up the basic plot but yet leaves the reader wanting more. However, it leaves many loose ends and introduces many characters. As the manga progresses, we need to give readers some time to catch up and actual satisfy some of the many curiosities they will have after the first issue. At the moment it is good, but it could devolve into only confusion.