Namelessknight wrote:i would agree. However, if you can\do handle Ai Yori Aoshi, then Sakura shouldn't either. Tina was alot more yuri'ish' than anything even hinted at in Sakura.
Tina's not gay though. She has a very disturbing hobby with greeting other girls, but she also seems to really like Kaoru "in that way".
Namelessknight wrote:have to say, Good for you for being so conscientious. I wish more christians were as discriminating as you, or at least would try to live up to the principles set forth in the Scriptures when they decide which anime to watch. Keep it up...
Arigato. ^^
uc pseudonym wrote:I think it's vaguely funny how we're dancing all around this. Normally I'd just tell you, but in the interests of keeping these boards completely family friendly, the switch is "down there," if you know what I mean.
Holy moly... o_O
mitsuki lover wrote:Inuyasha:
Aside from the fact that everyone is either Buddhist or Shinotist,and
I believe this occurs prior to the Jesuits arrival so there probably wouldn't be any reference to Christianity and what there might be would probably have been added in the dubbing process,there shouldn't be too much
Interesting in several eps.Kagome is mentioned as having a strong spirit.
Most notably when Kanna is unable to turn her into a zombie when using her mirror.
If Kagome were real I think she'd be close to being a Christian.
The only other objection people might have is the fact that Miroku,the
Buddhist monk,is a lecher.
Well exactly how much involvement does it have with Buddhism, Shintoism, etc.? Also, there are obviously demons in this. But are they portryed as complete evil as they should be, or is it like some other anime where some are supposed to actually be "good"? Does this series involve witchcraft, and if so, how much? Is this a series you think I would have a problem with?