A Poem

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A Poem

Postby Mimichan » Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:11 pm

It's been a while since I've written anything. Sorry if it isn't any good. :sweat:

There was a time when my life had no meaning
and my days were cast in a shadow of doom,
where reality's highway rose up to greet me
like a spiritual train wreck of perpetual gloom.

My outlook on life had never been sunny...
in fact, I admit, it was really quite bleak!
I fumbled around in a haze of depression
and managed, somehow, to live through the week.

Because of events in my life I was certain
that God everlasting could never love me.
That he'd sent his son to save everyone else,
but I wasn't destined to be sinless or free.

I cried and I wondered why God didn't care,
and then I begged him to save me more times than you know.
But the pain didn't end and I was still lost in misery
And a voice in my head sneered..."told you so".

"God doesn't love you" it said plain and simple.
"God doesn't love you 'cause you belong to me...
He might have forgiven you when you were little, but
now it's too late--just accept what must be"

"God will have mercy on whom he chooses,
and he simply has chosen not to give it to you.
You can cry and pray and beg all you want to,
But in the end, you'll see that my words are true."

Yet another voice was there in the background,
assuring me God's love was given to all...
this grace was accepted by faith was it's message
and given freely to all those who'd call.

It took me a while before I could listen.
This voice was more gentle and harder to hear.
It didn't speak in the same morbid volumes
as the Father of Falsehood had spoke in my ear.

But finally I listened....I admit I was stubborn.
It took me a while to let the message sink in...
that Jesus had died on a cross just to save me
from darkness eternal in a world without Him.

Now I know that the Lord always heard me
all of the times I had cried in despair.
I recognized events where I believe that He kept me
and sent forth His angels to see to my care.

I will not pretend that my life is now perfect
nor will I say I have overcome every flaw
But I know in my heart now that God really loves me
And Jesus is Master and Lord over all.

*Comments or corrective criticism= yay! Meanness= :waah!: *
(I'm hypersensitive...*sniffle*)

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby EireWolf » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:05 pm

Nice testimony, and very straightforward! :thumb:
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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:31 pm

EireWolf wrote:Nice testimony, and very straightforward! :thumb:

I agree.

>I will not pretend that my life is now perfect
nor will I say I have overcome every flaw
But I know in my heart now that God really loves me
And Jesus is Master and Lord over all.

I especially like this part.

Keep it up.
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