New Updates, so please read carefully, since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you.
Shiroi - She is in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. She is also still getting headaches, so please continue to pray that those will go away.
Madeline - She and her family have weathered one mishap after another. Please pray for their protection from these hurricanes and for them to just feel the overwhelming comfort of the Lord through these times - and that NO MORE disasters strike them. Also, for her grandparents who recently divorced.
Spirit_Wolf - Her family is in need of prayer. Her mom and dad as they grow in the Lord, like Spirit_Wolf, and for her little sister who is struggling greatly. Please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this. Also, for her friend who is known as EvilSporkofDoom here on CAA; she recently broke up with her boyfriend.
Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there.
KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandparents; especially her grandfather who has cancer and for Kisa who watches him get weaker each passing day. Pray that her family especially feel His loving hand at this time and the granddad as he prepares to be with the Lord. Also, Kisa is having a hard time getting over the death of her cat of 9 years. Please, pray for comfort over this loss as well.
Sheherazade - She struggles with headaches, as well. Also, one of her classmates with MS has not been to class for two tests, and she is hoping she is all right. Also, another classmate has an abusive boyfriend. Please pray she has the strength to stay away from him and Sher could be a witness to her during this time.
EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.
Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship.
Ducky - Please pray for her family.
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I would also guess for Ducky that she would grow closer to the Lord and that she would be guided by the Spirit through these years in college, as she is both a witness to those around her and her family.
Chloe - My husband still needs a job. Please pray for him to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord during this time. Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.
Thank you everyone, for your prayers.
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