*claps to Michiru T* Tracing is invaluable, especially at first. ^__^ But like she mentioned, just use it for practice. ^^ Many artists talk about the "physical memory", which is basically saying that your hands will remember the motions they need to make to draw well (just like riding a bike, you never really forget). By tracing, you can help to build that sense before you even really earn it yourself. ^^;
To make sure you don't end up copying someone's style, I'd offset tracing by following art tutorials online. I started with the face tutorial at
http://www.polykarbon.com, although I'm sure there are many more informative tutorials on the 'Net. ^.^
If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about original characters yet. I did fanart almost exclusively for my first year of drawing anime (game fanart especially, because it gives you more stylistic leeway), and then switched entirely to original drawings. Of course, you'll be compelled to draw your own characters, so go with it when the inspiration hits! Just don't force it. ^__^
Anyhow, that's just what I've learned over my drawing career. Hope that helps ^___^