I just thought of something interesting on Inu-yasha. I'm not sure on this but in the japanese version don't they call the so called 'demons' youkai? (I've never seen the Japanese version). Hm....last time I checked youkai actually meant bewitching apparition. But I don't know the kanji they used for the word nor do I know if they actually call them youkai (they may even call them all yashas). But if it is Youkai.....do you think America called them demons just to get to the American audience? (for who knows what reason) Who knows I'd like here your thoughts about it.
Also, is Sailor Saturn really an outer senshi? I mean its stated in both the manga and sort of the anime (correct me if I'm wrong) that she's a forbidden warrior not a protector of the outer solar system like neptune, uranus and Pluto were. this is probably said because her planet is in the outer solar system and she hangs out with those senshi the most. But Jupiter is also a far out planet but she's considered an inner warrior. If saturn showed up in the first season and joined with the team then would she be considered an inner? I personally don't think she's either like Sailor Chibi moon. But what do you guys say about this?
Please respond to these please.