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have any of you ever cried on a video game?

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:50 am

Hmm... Having recently beaten FFX for like the 5th time (but only twice all the way through) I cried a LOT in that game... My word, it is sad. I cry when I hear the theme music, I cried during a certain battle because of who I was fighting, I cried at the end, I cried so much its not funny... I mean, Tidus' goofy face animation during the CG wasn't enough to keep me from crying... That's saying something...

I wish they'd make a remake of FFVI that looked like FFX or better... You know, with voice over and stuff... That would be incredible...

Off topic, I wish instead of having all the girls go off on an "adventure" I would have rather had a prequell that followed Jecht, Braska, and Auron's journey. They established a lot of history in that game... There is a lot they could have expanded on without having to go the route they did in FF10-2 Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sat Aug 21, 2004 8:02 am

About Lisa in Silent Hill:

[SPOILER]The way I understand it was that Lisa WAS a monster the whole time, she was just so frightened she didn't want to accept it. I don't really blame Harry for taking off like that, I mean, something like that would freak me out too, as a matter of fact, that scene DID freak me out (I'm putting it on my list of the top ten most disturbing scenes in gaming), I believe that Lisa DID complete the transformation into one of the monsters, however, she still maintained a little conciousness. She had a faint memory of Kaufman, whom she despised for all the hell he put her through, and exacted her revenge on him at the end of the game. That's MY take anyways.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Aug 21, 2004 9:02 am

Bobtheduck wrote:I wish they'd make a remake of FFVI that looked like FFX or better... You know, with voice over and stuff... That would be incredible...

Amen to that. That would be my dream game.:)
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sat Aug 21, 2004 9:54 am

The ending for 'Illusion of Gaia' upset me...

[SPOILER]...when the world was completely redone and Will and Kara? (I'm not to sure of her name) were seperated from each other without any knowledge of their past adventures.... I was really expecting a lot better from an Enix game.[/SPOILER]
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Postby AlBhedNikki » Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:14 am

I cried during Yuna's '1000 words' when Lenne and Shuyen were shot, and they were lying on the ground, reaching for eachother! ;.; Its so powerful, seeing those two wanting to live out their life with eachother, and not even going past their prime. :Sniffle:

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Postby Godly Paladin » Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:54 pm

Yeah, I've cried... After playing for TWO hours on an old-school game only to DIE on the final boss! AAAARRRGH!!! Sing praises for save features and passwords!
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Postby madphilb » Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:39 pm

I've seen this thread before and couldn't think of a game I've cryed over...

Few times I've gotten sad enough to almost tear up (that's pretty good for me).....

In MGS2:

Beyond Good and Evil:
[SPOILER]After the Lighthouse is destroyed and Jade goes back there[/SPOILER]

Haven't played most of the Squaresoft games, so no picks there (and FF7 just didn't do it for me, for some reason, sad, but not sad enough).

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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:48 am

Yeah that scene in MGS2 was much more personal to me than the FF7 scene WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE SPOILERIZED IN THE INITIAL POST... (maybe a mod could take care of it?)

In FFX, [spoiler]even though no one as major as the FF7 character dies, unless you count Auron's "sending" at the end[/spoiler], I cried a lot more in that one than in FF7... I guess I just got more into it (I only cried in FF7 at that one scene, which I had to see about 10 times because Jenova kept killing me...) It was sad for a whole different reason... By the way, as a tip to someone who's playing through it now, try to talk to as many people as you can... I missed a lot of stuff on my first two times through the game... Like a conversation about Chappu at Operation Mi'hen... Talk to Luzzu off to the side of the elevator, before you get on, and talk to him twice (once is just him talking to gatta, the other is the important one) Very emotional. Great scene, I don't know how something like that could be optional... Also, make sure you get all of the Jecht/Auron/Braska spheres... besides needing them for Auron's final overdrive, they are important parts of the story. To watch them in order, remember that their journey started in Bevelle and not in besaid like Yuna's... Sorry, that was way off topic, but the game is just so emotional, I guess it sorta fits Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:58 am

I weep buckets during video games. :sniffle: For your benefit, I'll just name the scenes that really made me cry.

In Tales of Symphonia:

[spoiler]When you visits the Tower of Salvation the first time and you find out that Colette is supposed to die. I was kind of expecting it, but I bawled when she said goodbye to Lloyd. :waah!: I'm crying just thinking about it...[/spoiler]

[spoiler]When you go to rescue Colette from Yggdrasill and Lloyd's friends sacrifice themselves one by one. I REALLY cried during Sheena's, Genis's, and Raine's farewell scenes.[/spoiler]

In Beyond Good and Evil:

[spoiler]When Pey'j died. Oh, sure, he comes back to life, but I was bawling my lungs out.[/spoiler]

Those are my biggest examples of crying during video games.
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Postby Jester » Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:24 pm

I think Dragon Warrior VII has some of the biggest tearjerkers of them all, I won't spoil them though as it's worth it just to play the game for the story.
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Postby AngelSakura » Sun Aug 29, 2004 9:20 am

Hmm. I expected myself to cry during that scene in FFVII, which I got to yesterday. But for some reason I didn't. Maybe because it seemed just like Cloud said, "This isn't real."
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