olorc wrote:Ya, thanks a lot for all the good feedback. Boredx3, i see what you're saying now about the body of the first guy, ya my focus was the head and the body was sorta a last minute thought. Thanks for all the comments and keep posting if you see anything else.
boredx3 wrote:Personally i don't understand the third one... but if its a door, and the other side is that bright.. you should indicate that by the room we seem to be in. <- give more light in that room. The white lines on the floor confuses me.
Golden_Griff wrote:Oh, I thought it looked like that because it was a staircase
ZIPO_MASTER* wrote:Well, you did a great job at duplicating his style, cause that's almost exactly what his stuff looks like. Good job!
Archan wrote:
Tell me, where these pieces finished with a sharpie or some type of marker?
God bless,
Archan wrote:Hello, don't think ye met officially.
I'm Archan.
ally-san wrote:u would make a good american comic book artist cuz u have the thick lines and shadows down.
ally-san wrote: the shadow on the first one is good but the character lacks depth and the outside lines are a little sketchy. its ok to be sketchy but not uneven.
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