Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:05 am
I'm glad to say I'm no longer playing any games... I taped all of FFX... I even taped "Eternal Calm" which you likely haven't seen unless you got it off kazaa or subscribe to playstation underground... Or, like, bought your PS2 about the same time as I did, sent in your registration, and had the demo disc sent to you with the video on there... Yeah... I wanna see how it fans out, but everything I see of X-2 looks really fanservicy... And, the "make your own story" thing scares me because they've made that mistake before (SD4: Legend of Mana) If it is anything like that, I don't want to play it... I would like to know what happened to a certain member... Anyhow... I'm going to bed... I stayed up trying to beat it on tape. The first time I beat it, I leveled up for like 10 hours in the Omega Dungeon and I could beat (that first boss in the last battle) in one hit per form, with a total of 2... I didn't level Yuna up as much this time, so i was beat viciously... I just decided to swtich to my other save, since I was just trying to tape the ending, even though my more recent (and not as leveled up) save file had an extra aeon, so I didn't get to tape a certain moment in teh last battle with the aeon... In any case, I've got about 16 hours of footage, so I'm gonna get off video games fora while... I'll pick it up again someday to finish all the side stuff... The chocobo racing, the monster collecting, the maxing out of my stats, getting the last 3 aeons... That will be a long time away...
So, in answer again to the question, I am no longer playing anything (sorry, I gave up on .hack... for now)
After the 160 or so hours of my life this game has taken away, I'm off games for a while... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess