World-Building for A Little Snow Fairy Sugar

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World-Building for A Little Snow Fairy Sugar

Postby Kat Warrior » Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:43 am

We're supposed to discuss fanfiction in here, right? I sure hope so. I can't seem to post anything in the right forum. :sweat:

Anyway, I know that there's other LSFS fans here, and I plan to write fics for it eventually. But I plan to do some world-building first to make things more original and to explain things that probably weren't looked into in the anime. One of these things being the fairies' origins.

In my world of LSFS, God created Fairies during the Creation week, and made the Fairie world when He created the heavens and the earth. He gave them stewardship of the weather like He gave humans stewardship of the animals. But the fairies are supposed to use their power over weather elements when it is the right time and season. God can, of course, step in at any time and change the weather. He also rebukes them for misusing their "magic", and naturually the fairies can or will misuse their God-given gifts just like humans do.

So... what do ya'll think? :grin:
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Kat Warrior
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