(Info: AMV= Anime Music Videos. They are Songs with animes edited over them. Go to Animemusicvideos.org for a better idea.)
Hello fellow CAA AMV’ers! I have been making AMV’s for a while now and an idea has been floating in my mind for a while now, I just haven’t said anything because I didn’t know what kind of reaction I’d get. Anyhow, I am coordinating a Relient K AMV project! My vision is this: have an AMV for every Relient K song on their 3 main albums. This gives the AMV community a good alternative to many of the nasty AMV’s out there. I’ve made a couple of the AMV’s already and I am looking for some more people to make at least one of the tracks. If you are interested but do not own the song, just get ahold of me on AIM. My IM name is brantelg. Also, the contributers to this do not have to be members of CAA, so if you know people who are interested, just let me know at
brantelg@hotmail.com, but I would prefer if you post here what you would like. I am going to test the waters first by listing out only the first album. If this is popular enough, I will tack on the other two. The Tracks are as follows:
Album: “Relient Kâ€