a near accident

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a near accident

Postby bakura_fan » Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:19 am

I found this to be a good story from my past to share. okay....I believe I was about 8 - 10 and we were living in CA at the time.

I asked my mom how we could truly know that God was real. We were just on our way out the door to go down to a Miniature Golf place to meet up with my dad when he got off of work. My mom sat down and said that we should pray about him revealing himself to me. Then we got in the car and we started to pull out. My mom stopped and said that we should pray for safety (she usually didn't stop the car to do this). Anyway, we prayed and got on the freeway about 10 minutes later. We were travelling in the fast lane and a gardening truck was about 5 car lengths ahead of us. It had all the trimmings, rakes, brooms, water hoses, and two plastic garbage cans. Well, before I realized fully what was going on.....those garbage cans blew off of the truck and were flying straight at us. My mom quickly looked over her shoulder to see if there was room to move over...but before she could the garbage cans bounced once, landed on the pavement, layed down, rolled over to the side of the road (closest to the opposing traffic), stood up, and stayed there as we and all the other cars drove by. I was definitely convinced that he was real after that. ^_^ So that's one of my stories....I wasn't sure of posting it but...It's a cool story that I thought I should share.

[color=DeepSkyBlue] "He lives in you. He lives in me. [/color]He watches over everything we see.
Into the water. Into the truth. [color=Yellow][color=DeepSkyBlue]In your reflection, He lives in you." - He lives in you chorus[/color][/color]
"Slow, love, slow. Time's so fast. Now goes quickly, see Now it's past!
Soon will come, Soon will last. Wait." [color=Yellow]- Wait (sweeney todd) [/color]

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[align=center]Married to swordguy

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Postby Swordguy » Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:38 pm

thats cool it sound like something that hppened to my brother but thats anther story
I used to "Follow" Him because i had to....now i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

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Postby Anna Mae » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:19 am

Wow. That's awesome.
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Postby Zane » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:34 am

No thats cool, do share those stories with us, it certainly takes away the doubt some of us have that creap into our lives if we havn't prayed for ages and dont feel connected to Him. Cheers for sharing, may he bless you.
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