Postby Zarn Ishtare » Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:32 am
Ever pouring water flow,
Come the man, ever carrying, perpetually pouring
Everywhere he can
Every dried river bed
Every empty glass and stained cup
Wherever the water asks insistently to go
It sloshes like a child in muddy boots, playing in the rain
Against the lip of this urn
If love is his name
How wonderous that is!
I blink back the little sparks that dazzle my eyes
In the dull dim of corporate daylight,
Where poetry is dutifully stacked,
Signed for by the appropriate authorities
Stored according to OSHA standard
Through a haze I see it all
My fellow fish, swimming through water they cannot know
A race of deep sea divers presuming upon the open air
Utterly unaware of the clumsiness of their dancing
I flow around them, puckish grin, oft times troll footed
Better for hard stomping
Emphatic remarks
I know the secret conversations!
The one's your bodies are having, all unknowing
The way you place you feet
Changes everything you say.
I am awake, still dreaming
Lost in melancholic reverie
Twenty seven and fresh from the womb of our stillborn relationship
Emptiness is in my expression
I feel it creep over my eyes and hands
You, unseated from your burning throne
Me, a candalabra lacking, want to host a flame
Or to be a candle ever burning
Instead of a bulb seldom lit
Touch my filament
Let me be Light again.