If you have no idea what that sentence means, no problem, you're not my target market and though you can check out stuff on it feel free to just browse and not give any thought about responding.
I want feedback from other web serial novel writers, webcomic artists, and general storytellers on what you want out of a CMS and what you think of what I have so far. I can't make it the best suite without knowing what you need, so please let me know!
You can find what I've got at https://storieslc.com/ and some sample stories at https://storieslc.com/dream-high-school/ and https://storieslc.com/0000-is-ma-faffri ... -alfabeht/
That home page is blah and is IMO in serious need of updating. The other pages are better though construction is still a big thing there.
I'm still looking to add comments, but for now the site's features include:
- -Automatic bookmarking
-Infinite scroll
-Scheduling story pages
-Automatic newsletters to readers when a new part goes live
-A built-in donation-type system with rewards to the readers
-FTP upload/download
-No ads
-And, at the risk of sounding like a total cheese, more!
Let me know what you want and if you're (*excited gasp*) interested in posting your story, new or old, on the site!