non christian bands with a christian member or/and christian lyrics

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Postby TrigunX89 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:24 pm

I've wondered about that too.
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Postby skynes » Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:18 am

Yes I think its safe to say that its very much confirmed. Alice Cooper is a Christian and uses it alot in his music. I've been looking at the lyrics for Brutal Planet album and I can definitely see the Christian themes in them.
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Postby Stephen » Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:20 am

I have been looking for the Brutal Planet cd for a while....a heard a song off of it....its amazing stuff. And yes, Mr. Cooper is indeed a Christian now.
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Postby ThaKladd » Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:06 am

Creed ( say they believe in God and that Jesus is one of their biggest inspiration sources. (I think some of the band memers is christian i a one way or another) - they have some great Lyrics!!

Creed does not want to be labeled Christian.
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Postby righteous_slave » Sat Jun 05, 2004 7:46 pm

Alice Cooper's "Last Temptation" album and the three issue comic series had a lot of indications that he was converting, there were some hints I think in "Hey Stoopid" as well. I've got an HM interview with Social Distortion's bassist, who appears to be a strong Christian and has a pretty strong influence on the group's leader. Dave Mustaine and the bassist of Megadeth have both proclaimed to be saved in interviews as well.

Just to be irritating, keep in mind that many people say they believe in God in acceptance speeches and interviews and liner notes, but hold those statements up against thier lifestyles and actions. I heard about Alice several years ago, and that he was still doing the horror show stage show, which seems kind of contradictary to me. But that's my opinion, feel free to disagree. :)
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Postby Aijou » Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:41 pm

I believe that one or two members of the band "Nonpoint" are Christians. (I remember my friend told me that in the thank you's part of one of their albums, one of the band members said, "... I hope, and SOME of us pray..") I'm not certain if they have very Christian-like lyrics though. I haven't listened to them in a while, so you might want to check them out.
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Postby Aijou » Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:27 pm

I feel the need to comment about the Creed thing. Not only do they not want to be labled as Christian, but they are not Christians. In one magazine, they came right out and said it "We are not a Christian band." You don't have to take my word for it, but I find some of their lyrics to be rather disturbing. I'm pretty sure the lead singer said something like ... he didn't want to be labled as a Christian because religion was pushed on him as a child and he doesn't like how Christians are viewed upon negatively. I don't want to make anyone mad, but I have more than a few doubts about them.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:55 am

As for Creed, you could pretty much read about what they say about themselves regarding the whole Christian thing in the FAQs of their official site (ThaKladd has the link in a few posts up). It's a sad thing about their break up, they were one of my favorite bands--but can't say I'm terribly surprised. >_<

As for the Alice Cooper thing... well, nothing to do there but to give glory to God!
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Postby panegryst » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:35 pm

Thrice is an excellent band that is not christian, but has many traditionally christian themes. The member of Thrice who writes the lyrics is a big fan of C.S. Lewis and he quotes Lewis multiple times in his lyrics.
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Postby fayefaye » Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:12 pm

I don't think evanescence wants to be in the christian category either.The only one who called himself a christian just left the group.They were mad at the christian label that signed them because they thought they were controling them too much.Amy Lee really was downing christianity in two articles i read.I like the music but i really question exactly what the band is trying to achieve. Natalie Imbruglia's second album has some christian themed songs.
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Postby Seaniel » Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:21 pm

If anyone has heard Copeland, you know that their very sound testifies beauty of those bathed on God's warmth. Though it is proven that at the very least the lead singer Aaron is Christian, if not the rest. He sang a large majority of the lyrics on Underoath's "Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape". His voice is sweet and nice, and their song lyrics just make you go 'aw'. Granted, most of the songs are about a girl or something similar, there are other examples such as "When Finally Set Free" that are undeniably Christian. I'll copy/paste the lyrics.

Feel the pain teaching us how much more we can take
Reminding us how far we've come
Let the pain burn away from our hearts
We have time to start all over again
Feel the pain teaching us how much more we can take
Reminding us how far we've come
Let the pain burn away our hearts
We have time to start all over again
Feel the pain teaching us how much more we can take
Reminding us how far we've come
Let the pain burn away from our heart
We have time to start all over again
Well if you would shine your love down here, oh
Make our hearts as perfect as new
Oh if you would shine your love down here, oh
I promise I'd reflect right back at you
Oh I promise I'd reflect it right back at you
Oh I promise we'll reflect it right back at you
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Postby Kaori » Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:18 pm

I believe that the members of Trans Siberian Orchestra are Christians, which could be the reason so much of their music is Christmas-themed. I'm not sure on that, though.
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