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Ctrl Paint

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Ctrl Paint

Postby Sammy Boy » Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:51 am

Hi everyone, some of you probably know of this site, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

I've found it quite helpful in teaching me the basics of digital drawing. It is run by an artist named Matt Kohr. What I like about his style is teaches you the foundational skills, and not just being able to draw a particular thing.

This way I've found the skills allow me to apply them to a lot of different contexts. I find myself learning at a faster rate than I used to - hoping you will find something useful on the site too.
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Re: Ctrl Paint

Postby Thunderscream872 » Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:39 am

Wow, there's allot there! Looks pretty interesting. I'm gonna definitely need to check some of this out.

Thanks for sharing!

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