KazeShiki wrote:While I hold a similar opinion on how Pyscho Pass has been progressing, you did jump the gun on what the reveal actually means, and episode 8 will explain more explicitly, and it's possible to figure it out logically, despite there being so much other bad writing obscuring it. I still think the real reason is dumb, though, just that it's less dumb than your complaint Also, my view is that the writers are using the technique of making lots of people really stupid to make Akane look smart in comparison when she's really not. I feel a lot of her revelations skip over logical trains of thought and jump to the answer for the same reason.
Fantasia wrote:I definitely want to catch up with Shirobako and Your Lie in April
skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.
WorldsTraveler wrote:skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.
You shouldn't have a problem then. Fantasy violence and bloodshed aside, the anime is quite clean! The romance is more cute than service (it is a Shoujo manga after all) and I haven't seen more than PG language in either of the subs I've watched. I'd say you're good to go!
WorldsTraveler wrote:skreyola wrote:What kind of objectionable content is in Akatsuki no Yona? I've been thinking about picking it up, since it looked interesting on the title card and has been getting good mentions on here. I don't mind violence as long as it's not gorn, but I have a low tolerance for fanservice and certain types of language.
You shouldn't have a problem then. Fantasy violence and bloodshed aside, the anime is quite clean! The romance is more cute than service (it is a Shoujo manga after all) and I haven't seen more than PG language in either of the subs I've watched. I'd say you're good to go!
MangaRocks! wrote:And last but certainly not least... Rage Of Bahamut: Genesis, episodes 11-12 (end):
Wow... what a finale! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First, ep. 11: That twist with Martinet/Lavalley was quite good; I had never really thought that Lavalley was a demon, so of course I thought that he couldn't have been Martinet-- but it turned out that it was actually my assumptions about *Martinet* that were wrong, as Martinet actually *wasn't* a real demon, he was just Lavalley making himself that way by magic potions (as he did to Favaro and Jeanne). (And, of course, a bunch of previous stuff makes perfect sense now.) On another note, the duck-in-balloon-form and Rita's comments about it, etc. were so LOL-- and Bacchus riding him while fighting was utterly, hilariously ridiculous and yet actually pretty awesome all at the same time. (Also: So Azazel is a tsundere? {LOL! }) And wow, for two characters who didn't have much development, the bit with Michael and Jeanne was surprisingly emotional. Now, all that said, Kaisar's fight with Favaro in this ep. was surprisingly quick and anticlimactic compared to the scope of everything else going on (...and, as it turns out, that was purposefully done; but more on that in a moment )... and the only thought I had was that Kaisar must've put that antidote on the tip of the arrow, because otherwise that scene wouldn't make sense. (And, again, next episode proved I was spot on, LOL. ) His realization about Favaro's movements was neat, though.
And then ep. 12: As expected from the awakening of Bahamut at the close of the previous ep., this ep. descended straight into epic destruction right from the get-go. And (again, purposefully) making up for the previous ep., Kaisar and Favaro's fight in *this* ep. was totally awesome, especially because the two of them made it look very, very, *very* real (far more so than ever before-- even going so far as the hand, which I have to admit I was not expecting ) while actually just trying to fool Lavalley. On a somewhat random note, I was wondering when Lucifer was going to be relevant to the story; I guess rather subtly having a hand in getting both sides to work together and halt Bahamut long enough for Favaro and Kaisar to get to it was decent enough. And speaking of that: As had been obvious for a while now, Favaro did indeed turn out to be the 'prophesied knight,' LOL; but it actually was truly heroic (instead of humorous) when it happened. (Although *after* that it was really adorable and sweet and amusing for a bit <3 ... but then it got bittersweet. Despite all of the dialogue that pointedly said otherwise, I wasn't actually expecting that they really wouldn't be able to separate Amira from Bahamut. It was implied that Favaro still has the tail at the very end, though, so that along with what he said pretty much confirms that Bahamut-- and, by extension, Amira-- wasn't actually destroyed/killed, just moved to another dimension. ) Oh, and some details came full-circle in a great way, too-- like the bounty-capturing, some of the banter, and even (after the credits) the very first scene of the series. As for that end card with the text "I'll be back," I'm not sure if that's just meant to be a reference to the source material or if they really are planning more anime (which would be awesome and I would totally watch it). Regardless, I think they did a *great* job with this (*especially* given that they were only given 1 cour to work with), and I quite enjoyed it.
skreyola wrote:So, in the last three days, I've watched 8 episodes of Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona. So, that tells you something about how good it is.
ClaecElric4God wrote:I've been warned by my currently out-of-state sister that if I watch Akatsuki no Yona without her I will die a horrible, miserable death, or something. So I'm sitting here impatiently watching everyone else talk about how good it is until I'm allowed to watch it. But since it's ongoing I don't mind having to wait. Just means I have less of the anxious week long waits ahead.
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