The Lord has had this subject on on my heart and it something I did not think I would talk about and most people will run away from this subject to, because they don't like it, preach any other than this message but this.
What I m talking about is giving and blessing oh boy here we go . Let me explain it first and you may see a different message here. What i m talking about is NOT tithe and offering say what? Giving is completely separated from this so I will let scripture explain this
LUKE: 21 And then He turned His attention from the religious scholars to some wealthy people who were depositing their donations in the offering boxes. 2 A widow, obviously poor, came up and dropped two copper coins in one of the boxes.
Jesus: 3 I’m telling you the truth, this poor widow has made a bigger contribution than all of those rich fellows. 4 They’re just giving from their surplus, but she is giving from her poverty—she’s giving all she has to give.
Voice Translation
Now I want you to pay attention here the woman gave hoping the Lord will remember her, she may have given little but she put her trust in the Lord. When you give you don't necessarily have to give to the Church, I will repeat that you don't necessarily have to give to the Church.
Here how we should give is trusting the Lord with obedience and let him tell you where you should give. You should give where your getting feed and sometimes that not always the Church I will give you two examples here is a ministry I give to sometimes because they have blessed me with their music, the Lord last month told me to give a certain amount and I waited but HE keep repeating it to me to give and I did. I m blessed that I did and I will talk about blessing in awhile
Here another ministry I sometimes give to to give you a more clear picture here a book that has blessed me…/…/1414316801/ref=sr_1_1…
This is the work of a Japanese girl and she truly is blessed with talent I have read this book so many times and cant seem to get enough of it, The Lord told me to give to her ministry which is the site above not amazon. Though I can be disobedient sometimes, The Lord kept repeating me to give but I did not listen for 3 months. So I finally gave that amount last month.
So you don't necessarily have to give to the Church you give to the ministry or place the Lord is leading you to, that could be talking to a friend, helping in finances, or other stuff which leads me into blessing.
before I go to blessing I have something that blew me out of the water and might you to
Malachi 3:10The Voice (VOICE)
10 To rectify this situation, you must bring the entire tithe into the storage house in the temple so that there may be food for Me and for the Levites in My house. Feel free to test Me now in this. See whether or not I, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, will open the windows of heaven to you and pour a blessing down upon you until all needs are satisfied.
The Voice (VOICE)
Okay look at this, it an old testament principle I was trying to find this same exact scripture in the New Testament let me tell you this it not there in the gospels or anywhere I can find, Jesus only spoke on giving.