theresistance07 wrote:Hello,
I found this site while doing research for a christian-anime like novel I am in the process of finishing. In all of my research it would seem there isn't an "anime" that is solely christian based, but rather a lot has influences that can be traced back to Christianity. What started this process for me was that I noticed there were a bunch of cartoons targeted mostly for little kids (that I thought were mostly boring) and nothing for older, more mature audiences. I am a fan of a few animes. I enjoy writing and drawing my characters (anthropomorphic ones). And that's just a little about me. I hope to have a site up sometime in the near future to share more about the book . It has just about everything (action, romance, fight between good vs evil, faith, just to name a few). I look forward to seeing whats happening on this site and chatting!
ClaecElric4God wrote:Welcome, welcome. Your novel sounds rather interesting. I look forward to hearing more about it. I dabble in writing, nothing big. It's always nice to see some real writers and their works.
Hope you enjoy your time here, and I look forward to seeing you around.
*fades away with an evil chuckle*
ClaecElric4God wrote:Oh, sorry for the late reply. The video is from Sword Art Online. Watch it! Now! And while you're at it, watch Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle! No excuses! In fact, watch Tsubasa first! Or SAO. Whichever you want. But make sure you watch Tsubasa! I know the beginning's slow, but persevere! It's worth it! And for the sake of beating a dead horse, this.
Well, I feel arrogant flaunting my own work, but here's a sample of the kind of thing I like to write.
Forgive the haphazard layout and spaces and paragraphs and such. I know it messes up the flow and it's confusing and annoying, but I promise it isn't supposed to be like that. Scribd killed it. But anyhow, I generally like writing medieval adventure/action-type stuff. But when I'm bored I write ridiculous nonsensical stuff. You?
ClaecElric4God wrote:Oh, sorry for the late reply. The video is from Sword Art Online. Watch it! Now! And while you're at it, watch Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle! No excuses! In fact, watch Tsubasa first! Or SAO. Whichever you want. But make sure you watch Tsubasa! I know the beginning's slow, but persevere! It's worth it! And for the sake of beating a dead horse, this.
Well, I feel arrogant flaunting my own work, but here's a sample of the kind of thing I like to write.
Forgive the haphazard layout and spaces and paragraphs and such. I know it messes up the flow and it's confusing and annoying, but I promise it isn't supposed to be like that. Scribd killed it. But anyhow, I generally like writing medieval adventure/action-type stuff. But when I'm bored I write ridiculous nonsensical stuff. You?
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